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RE: Is Cable News In Trouble Without Donald Trump?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think the cable companies are on the way down the drain and I am not a fan of Trump. The cable companies need to attract people either with rage-bait or interesting news but the problem is they are so used to bashing Trump and his supporters. There is only so much they can push this when that person is no longer in office. Have you realized that they are blaming Trump when he is not in office for problems they will not solve.

They are so use to use rage-bait from Trump that I do not think they are doing any real journalism anymore. The questions they were so critical of in the past 4 years are no longer asked since the person in office is different. So what happens to people who can't adapt? They get the boot. Unfortunately CNN was the one pushing the narrative the most so I am not surprised they got the highest bump followed by the highest drop of views.

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I dont think they have done any real journalism in a long time, well before Trump.

Trump was a lightning rod and attracted the anger. You are right, now that he is out of office, who is the villain in their sage?

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