Splinterlands Fifteenth Season of 2023, Gladius Packs and SPS

in LeoFinance9 months ago

The Splinterlands season ended earlier this week so I want to review my rewards and check up on some things in the game. I stayed in Silver rank for most of the season and advanced on the day before the end to get some gold chests because my points aren't too high. As long as I manage that, I should be fine. The strategy worked and I did get some gold chests for my season rewards. My rewards are looking decent this time around so I think it's working out so far.

Season Rewards

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Compared to last season, my rewards would be a little worst than last time. I did not get any chaos legion packs so my luck there wasn't so great. At least, it's better than Silver because the SPS and legendary cards are quite nice. However, I didn't get any gold foil cards. There were no epic cards this time too and my potions are lower too. The number of cards seems to be about the same as last time too. The amount of SPS increased a lot but the merits decreased compared to last time. I did make sure to toggle on the option near the end of the season. This allowed me to get some better chances at the end of the season on the gold chests.

Gladius Packs

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I was able to collect 5 packs since the last time I opened packs. My guild has been regularly placing 2nd place or 1st in brawls and it looks like there will be 3 star brawls in the mix now too. We didn't place that well in the 3 star category but the reward was only slightly worst than in 2 star. The cards that I got this time was better than last time with a legendary card and an epic.

I got a new legendary Gladiator card and it's a magic water one with the blast ability along with bloodlust. It doesn't look like a bad card but I don't know how much I will use it though.
I was able to level up Chimney Wallstop Gladiator to level 4. This means that it gains an extra attack and the next ability at level 5 looks quite useful. Either way, having an extra attack will already make it more useful.
The last card that I upgraded was Katrelba Gobson. I have been using this card quite often and it's nice to see that it earned an extra attack. This will make this card even more deadly with it
s double strike and sneak.


The numbers are slightly higher than last time. The new reward structure increased the SPS I earned from ranked battles and I was lucky in earning SPS from my modern seasonal rewards. The modern fights have gotten harder lately so I don't know if my SPS rewards will keep up. Either way, it's not too different from last time.

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My pool rewards for the season is 104.116 SPS and I plan on staking all of this along with all of my staking rewards for a total of 254.959 SPS. It looks like my liquidity rewards tend to be quite stable and this time around, it's been exactly 2 weeks since I last collected so this was about what I expected. The total SPS was around what I usually expected and it looks like the boost change has gone up quite a bit from last time. Either way, I am still gathering more VOUCHERS for the next promo card. With the numbers so close to staking rewards and pools, I staked a similar amount compared to last time.


Going forward, I will be sticking with the Silver League and moving up to gold on the last day. The rewards are good this time in Gold rank and I hope my luck is better next time. I will wait to see if there are any other changes in terms of my rewards. So far, out of 5 claims, 4 of them were good and this was the third time when I used the potions along with the season rewards so it helped out quite a bit. The quality of the chests does matter but I don't know how things will go because the fights have become more competitive as people rush into modern ranked battles.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Congratulations, your rewards look pretty good.

It's not as good as the previous season but it sure beats staying in Silver all season.

I think 215 SPS is a very decent input. It would have been nicer with maybe one Chaos pack actually. I can see your legendary in that Gladius case. What a delightful card. Imagine putting this into play, it'll be devastating. Just like you too, I might choose to move to gold, one day before the season ends.

Yea. I am glad that I got some new gladius legendary cards. I just don't know if I will use it much but it's an option. I think moving to gold on the last day is a great choice since my deck isn't maxed out for gold rank yet.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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