Splinterlands: Improving my Riftwatchers cards

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)

Splinterlands has been a challenging game lately and I have been considering what I could do to improve my own win rate. I have decided that I want to move up to Gold rank so I plan on buying some cards and preparing for that. I have focused on Riftwatchers this time because my chaos legion deck has caught up to an extent. The fights in splinterlands are still hard and having these leveled up cards can help me in my fights.

Riftwatchers Purchase


Above are the cards that I purchased:
Dumacke Exile, Arachne Thug, Runemancer Florre, Ancient Redwood, and Scavo Technomancer using Monster Market. I get back part of what I paid for the cards and I prefer using this when I am buying directly off the market.

I was able to change some HBD into credits when it went over the peg a few days ago. I didn't use all of it because I am not sure if the price of HBD will go back under the peg in time for my next purchase. The HBD was gained from my author rewards over the past week and I will be continuing to use them to buff up my deck. This time, I got 80k credits using my HBD.

Dumacke Exile

Dumacke Exile.png
The first card I wanted to upgrade is Dumacke Exile and I bought 13 BCX to increase its level to level 3. This card costs 5 mana to use and it starts off with the sneak. By increasing this card to level 3, I am able to increase its attack and armor by 1. This makes it more useful because I didn't like using it much before. With it's fast speed, I can definitely see this being useful in my lineups.

Arachne Thug

Arachne Thug.png
The 2nd card is Arachne Thug and I bought 15 BCX to increase this card to level 5. I leveled this up in my previous purchases but I was lacking some BCX for level 5. This is a death melee monster with the reach ability it gains the additional ability of trample. So it's now a better card for me to use in Death fights.

Runemancer Florre

Runemancer Florre.png
The 3rd card is Runemancer Florre and I bought 2 BCX of this card to increase it to level 2. This is an earth monster with duo magic and ranged attack. It has no skill but the duo attack ability more than makes up for it and I use it every now and then. With its high speed and now one extra ranged attack, I can definitely see this card being more useful. Especially when combined with Immortalis because the magic damage will go first and shatter the armor.

Ancient Redwood

Ancient Redwood.png
The 4th card is Ancient Redwood and I bought 1 BCX of this card because I was missing it. It comes with the true strike ability and high attack but it's slow. I bought this card because I thought it would be useful in those reverse speed matches and having more ranged damage is quite nice with Immortalis.

Scavo Technomancer

Scavo Technomancer.png
The 4th card is Scavo Technomancer and I bought 24 BCX to increase this card to level 4. This increases its speed by 1 and adds the rust ability on top of its blast ability. I don't use this card much but that rust ability can come in helpful in matches.


This is a battle that I did use one of my newly upgraded cards (Ancient Redwood). This fight had reverse speed so I thought that using magic monsters would be the best bet and I used Ancient Redwood because I wanted some ranged damage just in case. It proved to be the correct choice because my opponent came in with his void tank. My opponent using ranged monsters worked against my strategy but the shatter from Immortalis was helped. I was able to win in the end because of my low-speed cards.


I bought some cards to help me out in ranked battles and it will also decrease the penalty that I get from fights. I am funding this through my blog earnings. I am slowly improving my deck so that I don't suffer as much of a penalty and it also improves my own win-rate with all the new options.

Do you play Splinterlands and have you bought any cards recently?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Another impressive shopping you have done, upgrading Runemancer Florre to level 3 is a dream for me, I don't even own a level 1 yet.
Well done!

Ops. I meant to level 2. I made a mistake in my post. I'll go fix that. But I do like using it at level 1 so having it at level 2 only makes that better.

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121