Splinterlands: Moving DEC to the Cub Finance and having it work for me

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Rather than letting my DEC sit in my Splinterlands account, I decided to move around some to CubFinance on BSC so it gets me both SPS points and its working for me. In fact, the airdrop has definitely lead to quite a bit of free tokens to most Splinterlands players. Then again, it might just be the fact that I staked the LEO I was planning to move into Cub Finance and changed it to DEC instead.

Splintershards (SPS)

SPS is the governance token introduced for Splinterlands (formerly Steemmonsters) and more information about it can be found on it's whitepaper. The current airdrop is going to last an entire year and how points can be calculated is found on the airdrop page. So it is easier for people to see, I included the image below.

8-17 airdrop points.png

So from this point of view, DEC tokens in-game or on HIVE engine only give you one airdrop point but DEC tokens in the liquidity pool gives you two airdrop points. However considering the fact that you have to pair BUSD with DEC, you get roughly the same amount of points. I am currently unsure if you get double points or not since the snapshot has not updated for me in-game.

How to add DEC into liquidity pool?

I believe there are current two liquidity pools: Uniswap (ETH) and CubFinance (BSC). Out of these two, I will be focusing more on CubFinance because the fees are easier and I believe that CUB will do well long term.

Link BSC Wallet Address

If you don't have a BSC wallet, I suggest following the steps here to download Metamask and then connect metamask to BSC.

8-17 Splinterlands Menu.png
The very first step is to link your wallet which can be noted by that red box. The purple box is the DEC button which I will reference later.
8-17 Splinterlands link external wallet.png
After you click on it, you will press the Binance Smart Chain button on the left side (red box).


Then in the green box, put in your BSC wallet address. In my case, I put my metamask address which can be copied if you press the copy to clipboard option.

Afterwards you check the purple box and click the SAVE button (blue box). By doing so, your BSC wallet address is now linked to your Splinterlands account.

Transfer DEC to BSC

Towards the start of the previous subsection, that purple box for DEC needs to be clicked.
8-17 Splinterlands DEC transfer menu.png
After you do that, you put the amount of DEC you want to transfer and scroll the wallet to the Binance Smart Chain Wallet. Once that is done, you can click the Transfer Out button to move it to BSC. I have noticed that Splinterlands doesn't actually charge you a fee for moving things to BSC. So in my case, I sent 500 DEC first to ensure that my wallet address works. Then I moved more DEC over to add to the pool.
8-17 BSC DEC transfer.png
So I highly suggest you do this to ensure that your address is correct. I personally would advise against abusing this feature though because they could start charging us the transaction fee instead.

Adding Liquidity to CubFinance

8-17 DEC swap for BUSD.png

The first thing to do is to convert half of the DEC you wish to stake into equivalent BUSD. So in my case, I moved 50k DEC from Splinterlands to BSC and I would need 25k of this DEC in BUSD.

In the above image, you would first need to approve DEC contract. Then you can swap the DEC into BUSD. You can do so in the swap menu.

To swap the tokens:

  1. Set Top Token (in the From box) to DEC
  2. Set Bottom Token (in the To box) to BUSD
  3. In the FROM Box, enter the amount of DEC you want to SWAP. Generally you want to swap half of your tokens since you want to stake in the liquidity pool.
  4. Approve DEC contract if you have never done so before. Once you approve it once, next time you do not need to do so again.
  5. Hit the Swap Button and confirm the transaction

8-17 liquidity add.png

After that, you need to pool menu and do similarly to put in the DEC/BUSD into the liquidity pool. Sorry for the image above because I forgot to screenshot the actually liquidity add but you can see the results of my add below with how many liquidity tokens I got.

To add liquidity:

  1. Set Top Token to DEC
  2. Set Bottom Token to BUSD
  3. Enter the amount of BUSD or DEC you want to add liquidity. The other side will automatically autofill for you. Since prices change, you may not be able to stake all your tokens so just choose the one that fits and you have enough on both sides.
  4. Hit button at the bottom to get liquidity tokens.

One thing to note is that I could not deposit all of my DEC tokens transferred. I think it might be due to the liquidity provider fees during the swap so depending on how prices changed, change the amounts around so that you have enough of both tokens. In my case I didn't have enough BUSD so it didn't use up all my DEC tokens.

8-17 DEC LP tokens.png

With this done, you can now add to the DEC/BUSD Farm to get bonus CUB tokens for providing liquidity.

8-17 DEC Farm Contract approve.png

First you need to enable the farm contract (confirm the transaction after pressing) and then you can stake your liquidity.

8-17 DEC Farm stake LP.png

Why do I think this is a good idea?

There are multiple reasons why I think this is a good idea. First off I need to mention that you can face impermanent loss and you can read more about this in one of my previous posts. I don't really think you will be losing too much if you believe in the SPS token. Of course there is always the risk of impermanent loss making you lose out if there is a huge price swing in one direction. I do think the CUB you earn will make up for this over time.

In fact I think everything will be a net plus since DEC is well above the normal peg of 1000 DEC for each $1. Of course I could just sell out of DEC and run away with dollars but I just don't see the reason to do so. It's more likely for DEC's price to go down and I will be left with more DEC or SPS airdrop points.

What happens if the price of DEC goes up?

While it would mean that holding DEC normally would be more profitable, you are also earning more dollar value on your provided liquidity. The main reason for this is because some of your DEC is converted into BUSD. So in the end, your SPS airdrop amount might drop slightly but I think the farm yields in CUB and fiat value increase makes up for it.

What happens if the price of DEC goes down?

If the price of DEC goes down then the amount of DEC you are providing through the liquidity pool will naturally increase. As a result, some of the BUSD you provided will be changed into DEC. So the fiat value of your liquidity will decrease but it will naturally increase the amount of SPS airdrop points you get.


I think the advantages of adding DEC liquidity outweighs the disadvantages. The process itself doesn't seem very hard either so long as you have a BSC wallet (I used Metamask). Of course, you are also naturally earning some CUB tokens for your liquidity provided and you can always change this into DEC tokens in-game if you wish. However I am leaning more towards putting them into the CUB kingdom so it auto-compounds for me without much work. With the 2% fee taken out for adding to the pool, I do think I will have to leave my liquidity for a while to at least break-even and everything afterwards will be just pure profit for me.

Of course I didn't put all of my DEC over because I still have some outstand bids in PeakMonsters and I want to leave myself some DEC incase I want to buy or rent cards. I did move over half of my DEC holdings in the game to get have my DEC working for me.

Please make sure to invest only what you can afford to lose and nothing I said is financial advice. Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hmmm. Did you calculate how many SPS you are losing from the airdrop due to this move? I'm hesitant to spend my DEC because it increases my SPS rewards. Didn't do any calculations though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to check since I did the move last night but the SPS airdrop screen calculation doesn't update right away. I think I might have to wait a few more hours until the airdrop comes in and I'll let you know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well from 50k DEC moved over, I lost about 600 SPS points. It doesn't really seem that bad but it looks like DEC price is a bit constant. I know I would lose 2% due to the farm staking fee and I would lose a bit from the fees in the swap.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's actually not that bad. I expected a bigger point loss tbh. Thanks for the update!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I thought about this, since the number of SPS I get depends a lot on the DEC I have in my account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It also counts the liquidity you provide but you have to make sure to link your wallets so they can check how much you provide if its on a different chain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting guide and I finally start to understand this impermanent loss mechanic.

Seeing as dec is currently way high from the intended soft peg. There's a good possibility it will at some point go down again (at least that's what I think, might be only after the airdrop is complete.. who knows) Judging by the below graph it looks like if the asset decreases in value the impermanent loss grows very fast compared to when the price increases? That would mean quite the impermanent loss if dec ever returns to the peg value.


So in a way you're betting on getting more SPS airdrop and CUB this way and accepting the possible big impermanent loss?

Curious to see how it affected your airdrop, will follow to see the update!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It’s great and a sign of the financial sophistication of this community that you are analyzing the effect of impermanent loss. I think this is terrific!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When I first started I put cubfinance on the "to do later on" list as getting the hang of hive and splinterlands was a lot to wrap my head around.

Right now seems like a good moment to learn more about it instead of holding on to a bag of dec just for the airdrop. And my " hive routine" feels natural now too, still learning each day but not as overwhelmed anymore.

I do think this is great too and hope many of the new splinterlands players find their way here, I try to encourage it when I can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well the 50k DEC that I passed over to Cub Finance was going to be something I was going to just HODL or buy cards in-game. So if the price of DEC goes down, it just means I get way more DEC in the future.

Let's say it drops back down to the soft peg, then that DEC would probably increase to over 100k DEC. So besides the fees that I lose, I earned more DEC by just leaving it there.

On the other hand, if prices are stable, I earn CUB and nothing changes in my investment.

So what would happen if DEC skyrockets? It would mean I get less SPS but the fiat value of my investment goes up.

So from my point of view, I win no matter what happens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Makes total sense! If you have use for all the coins involved you win either way..

Having more dec is always good, fiat I'd use to buy more cards anyway. SPS is a holder for sure.

Thanks for the reply :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are certainly doing well with the tutorials.

It is very helpful that you put on together on $DEC and $SPS.

There are a lot of new @splinterlands players and having stuff like this helps them. We also can help the SEO on Leofinance by doing this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't think I saw many of these guides so I decided to just document the process. I do hope that it helps people get involved in Cub Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It certainly cant hurt.

Cubfinance getting the DEC pool going turned out to be a smart move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ha Ha My thoughts exactly. I expect people who are not involved in crypto to start googling Play2Earn to learn about Axie Infinity, and hopefully Splinterlands. I think it would be perfect if @jfang003 included the search term Axie, Axie Infinity, Splinterlands and Play2Earn in this article. It’s possible that my putting these terms in the comments will help, but I am unsure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Pro move thanks for the heads up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At first I thought that you would get two points on the SPS that were moved from the Splinterlands account to the liquidity pool. But you sold half of the SPS to get the other paired token for the pool. So in essence, your SPS airdrop should remain the same. The added benefit is getting cub for your liquidity provided. is there another benefit that I have overlooked.

I do not know much about liquidity pools so trying to understand them by asking questions.

Yea the airdrop snapshot occurred and I just realized that the SPS they give me will be sent to BSC. I was really hoping it to be on HIVE and I need to check if I am charged fees for moving SPS to the game or not.

Overall I would say that I didn't lose too much from moving the DEC over to CubFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just been selling my dec for buying sps directly. then staking the sps for more sps on splintlerlands.

but this works as well :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It does work if you want to do so. However I would still like to access to some DEC incase things happen. So in that regards, I am leaving it in the liquidity pool so I can have access to it without buying everything off the market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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I did the same a while back. Great tutorial, btw!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for writing this post. It was really helpful to me and is a good resource for new players.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good idea and timely article considering the popularity of Splinterlands right now. The SEO value to Hive and Cubfinance from newbies googling Play2Earn should be high, and these explanations are very valuable both to Newbies to Splinterlands both in the Hive community and outside the community. Plus the comments section is valuable too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah I forgot to put the keywords Play2Earn on my post. I wonder if its too late or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well it can be frustrating and you will lose quite a few fights when you first start. It might take some time to get use to and learn but all you need to start earning from Splinterlands is $10 for the spellbook.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta