Splinterlands: Mycelic Slipspawn and Immortalis is great in Wands Out

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a card named Mycelic Slipspawn and why it is useful in magic only fights.

Featured Monsters

Mycelic Slipspawn.png
Mycelic Slipspawn is a earth monster that starts off with taunt. It learns forcefield ability and slow when it is leveled up. This makes it a good card to use when there is enough mana available to keep the rest of the team alive as it will attract most of the damage with it's high health.

My summoner is Immortalis due to the ability it gives. Having -1 health, void and shatter will make my fight much easier. At least, this will negate most of the magic damage that I will get. The void is the best ability for this match because it reduces all magic damage received.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png
The ruleset this time is up to eleven and wands out. This means that only mana monsters can be used and any counter damage is amplified. There is also 39 mana available and I am the choice of any splinter except for death.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Immortalis6Summoner-1 health, shatter and void
Regal Peryton51stFlying for any duo stat monsters
Spirit Hoarder32ndTriage
Djinn Biljka33rdDamage Dealer
Runemancer Florre134thRange and Magic attack
Mycelic Slipspawn95thTaunt
Total Mana:39

My plan is to have Mycelic Slipspawn tank most of the hits in the last spot with it's taunt. There is also triage to heal Mycelic Slipspawn and give me more time. The rest of my cards are more about dealing damage and giving me more time to survive the match with my summoner cutting down the damage that I take. Runemancer Florre is my main damage dealer if there is a monster with void.

Round 1

round 1.png
At first glance of my opponent's lineup, I think it will be a tough fight due to my opponent's summoner. So it will rely on whether or not I will miss my attacks. Some of my monsters don't have the highest speed but I should do well in keeping Mycelic Slipspawn alive with just triage. So it's more about whether or not I can land enough attacks or my front line gives up. I am glad that I did use Immortalis because it will shatter the armor on Agor.

Round 4

round 4.png
I skipped to the fourth round because not much happened during the first three rounds. We both lost our first monster on round 3 and it's a battle of endurance now. I am relying on Florre's ranged damage to kill off Djinn Oshannus. If I can't then I will be in trouble.

Round 7

round 7.png
After a few more rounds of trading attacks, I was able to take out that Djinn Oshannus before Runemancer moved all the way to the front. So this match is my win.

As expected, later this round, I won the match.


The battle this time around went exactly as I expected. Mycelic Slipspawn did a great job as it tanked most of the hits and all of the damage it took was also healed by triage. My summoner also helped because it cut down on the magic damage I got and my use of magic monsters helped me kill off a lot of my opponent's card. I wasn't expecting my enemy to use a summoner with phase. It made killing my opponent harder as some of my magic attacks could miss. So it was a battle of endurance to see if I could get my ranged attacks to land.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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