Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Weapons Training is a powerful ability

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. For this week, I chose a battle where an ability made the difference between a win and a loss.

Featured cards

Kulu Mastermind is a reward water splinter that costs 9 mana. It has the ability weapons training and opportunity from the very first level. At level 2, it learns shield and at level 4, it learns enrage. As a damage dealer, it's a good choice and I like how it can target the backline of my opponent.

Daarg Deadblast is a Rebellion water splinter that costs 6 mana. It has the ability weapons training and swiftness from the very first level. At level 2, it learns triage and at level 3, it learns dodge. As a support monster with the weapons training ability, I think it works well as it makes your own monsters faster.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png

The ruleset this time is Healed Out and Odd Ones Out. This means that only odd mana monsters can be used and healing does not work. There are 46 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, water, life, or death splinter.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Kelya Frendul4Summoner+1 armor and speed
Kulu Mastermind91stWeapons Training
Noa the Just52ndRust
Daarg Deadblast73rdWeapons Training and Swiftness
Scavo Hireling34thRepair
Runemancer Kye115thFlying and Life Leech
Swamp Spitter76thRepair
Total Mana:46

I used Kelya Frendul as my summoner because it increases my speed and armor by 1. I used Kulu Mastermind happened first even though it won't get the benefits of the opportunity ability. However, I think it worked out better because it would give Noa both melee and magic damage from the weapons training. Noa was used for the Rust ability. Daarg is there for swiftness and I have two repair monsters. My 5th slot monster had flying and life leech. Overall, I have quite a few magic monsters against my opponent, and the repair will help my monsters survive.

Round 1

round 1.png
Looking at the difference between the lineup, it's an even match. I do have quite a bit of damage but it depends on how fast I can take out that Grum. That void ability is going to reduce my magic damage so I will have to rely on my melee monsters to deal enough damage. The only upside is that I have the speed advantage against my opponent.

Round 2

round 2.png
I was a bit unlucky as I didn't dodge any attacks and my enemy got a bloodlust off on Grum.

Round 4

round 3.png
I skipped forward to round 4 because nothing died in round 2. I was able to take out 3 monsters while only losing 1. At this point, I think I have won the match due to the speed difference and my repair monsters.

As expected, I won this match a few rounds later.


The battle this time did go exactly as I expected. I wasn't expecting the Grum from my opponent but I was able to finish off it so my magic monsters could deal enough damage. The weapons training did give my lineup enough damage to take out that Grum and it was the reason why I won the match. Repair is quite powerful as an ability too in this match where you can't heal.

You can see my entire match here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The weapon's training is massive and it did extraordinary damage. Well-done the Grum couldn't just hit that bloodlust that comes with it.

You have a very good strategy and that’s what is really helping you
Nice one!

Yea. It worked out the way that I wanted.

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

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I think one of the things that helps you to conquer this battle is your right strategy

The right strategy always helps in these fights. !LOL

What did the judge say when the skunk walked into the courtroom?
“Odor in the court!”

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