
It seems like you have a good risk tolerance when framing this. Good to see. Also, you can enhance it because of your increased curation.

All of this will feed into your ultimate ROI.

Aye, the curation is a lovely little side bonus that hedges things. But I try to baseline my thinking without the little bonuses to create a slightly conservative approach to risk, which feels like the thing to do in most #web3 cases ;)

That is true although I would say that 8%-10% APR on curation is more than a bonus. I guess you could leave it out of your model but I think it is a major part of ROI.


Incentivized by the Zealy campaign and the promise of sexy, limited edition NFTs, I went ahead and did the full 8,000 LEO powerup across several transactions.

This is my first major $LEO power up!

I am so tempted to go for that NFT tbh


What is LPUD?

LEO Power Up Day is similar to HIVE Power Up Day. It happens every month & users are encouraged to stake (power up) their LEO tokens. The more you have staked, the more influence you have in the Leo Finance community.


My Power Up process

Getting a hold of 8K LEO wasn’t all that easy. It was worth about $300–$400 USD during the time I was trying to acquire it. LPUD anticipation created lots of buy pressure too.


The SWAP.HIVE:LEO liquidity pool was my main path. Sometimes it was trading near the Sell side of the spread, sometimes closer to the Buy. I kept my eye on it and traded when I felt it was low enough.


As advised, I had held off on completing the majority of the Zealy Power Up quests. I think had done the first two small ones, leaving the ones that wanted LEO powerups of:

  • 200 LEO
  • 400 LEO
  • 800 LEO
  • 1500 LEO
  • 5000 LEO


That’s 7,900 LEO! I did the first four last night, as the final boss of 5,000 required those ones to be approved first. Today I dropped the last 5,000… plus a small extra powerup of a little more than 100 to get me over 8K.


Speculating on future value

Was it worth the $300 or so?

To me, that’s not an enormous amount to “gamble” with. If I were going to a casino for an evening, I might bring half that amount to throw at the craps table.

heh. Must be a baller


Leo Finance is easily one of the strongest communities and projects on this chain, so I feel the risk is quite tolerable.

That, plus all the bonus rewards today, inspired my decision!

Nice. 8K $LEO. A gamble for sure.

love to see it

Making King of the jungle moves, that is plain awesome man. Glad to have such a great member in the Leo Fam, from here upwards!