
Jerry is like Al Davis and George Steinbrenner were for years. They thought they new better than their people.

Their egos got in the way.

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@taskmaster4450le oh my spot on. As a fan, you are always excited they will splurge for certain players; but not allowing those that know how to actually manage a sports organization is the major issue and why my teams haven’t won more championships.

Championships are won by the totality of the moves, not the signing of just stars. It is easy to figure that a star player will help. But it is the role players and the intangibles that win the titles.

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Totally agree. Being in Florida I see a team like the Rays be competitive with a small payroll and no big time superstar proves that point.

Well the Rays are not the norm.

On the other coast, the Marlins suck no matter what they do.

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Oh so frickin true, but the previous owner was horrible and although I’m a Mets fan, I believe Jeter and his peeps will do right by them.

You are an abused one too? Man I started rooting for that fiasco back in the late 1970s, post Seaver and still am today.

What a goat fuck that organization is historically. A couple good years here and there and then crap.

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Oh add James Dolan to the list with the Knicks.

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