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RE: The JUNO Whale Saga, New twists in the Story

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yeah, I agree overall. My vote has remained a NO. Forcefully altering the chain state to remove peoples tokens, for whatever reason, is going to far. Fork (like steem/hive, or Eth/Eth classic) if you like, but flat out stealing is going to far.

A wise person once said "Stealing is wrong, mkay".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The devs should have made the airdrop a smaller % of the supply + smaller caps if they were worried about this a situation like this, it is their own terrible planning that caused this and now they want to punish someone who may not being completely honest (I dont think they were going to give the airdrop to their customers), but it is extremely unlikely they could have planned this, as the airdrop detail were not announced until after it happened.