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RE: Still hanging onto cash!

in LeoFinancelast month

Think carefully before simply getting rid of dead weight, tell your daughter to hold onto the coins she has, one day will be worth selling.

As for cash I think the system will remain for some time to come, folks are hesitant to simply stop using, even plastic ATM system here is not yet fully embraced by all.


Oh, I'm not sure that these will be worth much. They aren't really mint condition... and there are quite a few in supply! I do hope you are right about the cash future... there does seem to be a big push to phase it out.

Many simply lie around eventually gain value, I don't see cash going out of fashion in a hurry here.... Replacing a fancy lock on a security gate by a large company, requested cash payment on completion.

Oh yes, tradies (and musicians...) will always like a cash job!

Majority of our people still only work for cash, will be a long time before digital comes into fruition here.