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RE: Breaking the Cycle

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Happiness is not in money, reliable car to take you from A to B, a roof over your head and food,. Never ran a credit card only taking loans against the home when in dire financial straits, perhaps lucky in never buying for the sake of having, more a need than have.

A decent size piece of land in a quieter area would suit me well. small cottage with some open ground to support fruit and vegetables perhaps a chicken or two, oh and running water.

Gained and lost in crypto, I still believe there is a future in this form of additional passive earnings, I don't trade, and am quite happy to invest and work with what I have never, putting additional burden on the family coffers.

Governments will take whatever they can take, personally being able to live comfortably is all one can ask for without a tightening noose around your neck. Youth today have a bleak future paying off debt currently being made ad-hoc by world wide decision makers, I personally am glad I have no grandchildren to fret over and sons big enough to hopefully look after themselves.



Yeah, I totally understand that money isn't everything, but not having to be burdened by it is also something else!

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I have always been scared of running up debt, seeing people slip into big debt so quickly, having different cards, "paying Peter to sort out Paul this month", ever spiraling debt. TV/Media brainwashed into having to have, never what you need.

Who wouldn't like that extra little packed away for a rainy day?


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