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RE: The Concept Of Greed; How Much Money Do You Need To Live Comfortably?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Healthy middle class in a country is a good reflection, sadly the way things have been going it is extreme wealth or poverty.

Poor in most cases one have one person able to earn supporting homes of up to eight people making world unbalanced.

Greed steps in when banks offer extended credit knowing full well people cannot pay back, increasing corporate wealth or rich people who back the corporate world know no end in wanting large dividend payment in return for investment.

Yes greed is a bad motivator, part of ingrained standards in social structure.


Do you have to mention banks @joanstewart?😃 how I hate those people, I was thinking about the banks in the shower this money of a possible loan investment in the future and I told myself "no ways I won't get myself into paying debts" 😃😃

How is Durban today?

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Gorgeous weather down here today, yes bankers are like sharks ever circling trying to get you to sign up for more... Best to avoid, rather do without wherever possible.

Have yourself a wonderful day during these exceptionally weird and crazy times we are living through!

Absolutely true about the banks!

The mornings and evenings are cold here in Joburg as winter sets in otherwise a good weather.

A great mid week to you!

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Wish I can have a cold weather, Nigeria is burning as high as 35 degrees

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I prefer the cold weather too, I get so miserable if we at 30 degrees here, its currently 19 degrees which is good enough for me. Though we get as low as -3 in June/July which is freezing and you would need a good reason to be outdoors 😀

I can only imagine the likes of Canada, Ukraine that are very cold!

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A loan from a bank? Hahah I don't even have a collateral, imagine running at a lose with a bank borrowed money. The fear of what those guys would do to you.

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😃😃 not something I necessarily need, just one of those thoughts of using loans to get property while the property pays itself off.

I know the banks and will never fall for them, I don't qualify for loan as well and don't wish to, I was just having one of those investments thoughts probably in the future.

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Well anything about the banks is a "no" for me, the rich and the Poor would definitely have a different definition "enough" but at one time people often recognise they have enough and craving for more due to the expensive life they live is where the greed comes in.

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Everywhere you turn they take money, banks, insurance everywhere... Most annoying since service no longer relates to what they take!