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RE: Economy of Opportunity

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Opportunity is where you see a gap that you could fill, then go for it!

Anything in demand by people for people normally paves the way. Nothing is equal in love and war, educating oneself fits into a similar vein, apply yourself to task at hand or fall by the wayside, only you are responsible for your own actions, or lack thereof.

Economics simple definition, "study of scarcity, the study of how people use resources and respond to incentives, or the study of decision-making"


Too many people are waiting for a handout, without realizing that self-education is about the only chance of actually getting ahead, because of the laws of economics. Centralized and widespread education, can only really develop average people - so the scarcity is in those willing to make the decision to go above and beyond.

Shocking how little self-help comes into the equation of late, rather wait for handouts then blame government.

Towns originally grew to what they became through families working together pooling resources to build homes, one at a time. Old homes built on soak pit systems (our home was on one 40 years ago), water pumps close to rivers were redirected to homes each helped each other. Skills now diminishing/lost both is working together for greater good or simply laziness.

Today everyone wants a house built for them on tax money. If the brain is not exercised it ceases to function! Pride is lost, reliant on a few for much weakens everyone.