
However, still, I'm pretty disappointed about the cub burn tempo. I could have sworn that we all were told they cub had already reached a deflationary mode...

I do not recall that Khal ever said that. What they did refer to is the first level is to burn more than is being sold. That is likely a lower level.

The DAO is officially burning more than is being sold.

It’s burning roughly 50% of what is being created per month. This is a dramatic difference from the less than 1% per month that was being burned by Kingdoms under the old #cub model

Nobody says it's not dramatic change since before the introduction. Thanks for clearing things out - know I know why we don't get burnt cub percentage higher

It's all on chain mate...

100% transparent.

No it's not. The whole contact isn't available (at least I thinking so). It requires us to ask about it from time to time, but I guess it prevents bad people from trying to use its algorithms