wHive Busters! Let's bust'em

in LeoFinance4 years ago


This post is a sort of provisory measure - [I was mentoning in this post](https://leofinance.io/hive-167922/@jocieprosza/bootstrapping-whive-liquidity-via-provisory-solution) - to create some incentives for hive users providing liquidity for WrappedHive pools. The beneficiaries are those supporting the liquidity of wHive pools.


What happened since last post
The liquidity remained more or less at the same level. I personally did swap from providing liquidity for DAI-wHive pool and increased my share in wHive-wETH pool. The number of transactions is marginal though. As @fbslo stated the project is hibernated at the moment because all the attention's drawn to wLeo and the whole hype. I keep my fingers crossed for both projects as I hope both projects will bring advantages to whole hive ecosystem.

Zrzut ekranu 20201001 200649.png

The one who provides liquidity to wHive pools, show yourself

The main question is, do you know anyone providing liquidity? In order to make this whole thing more representative, I need to identify people that provide such liquidity - currently I've been able to identify only about 20%, that's too little.

Zrzut ekranu 20201001 200417.png

Would you mind spreading the word?
@cardboar, @khaleelkazi, @fbslo, @dalz, @russia-btc, @trumpman, @jk6276, @claudio83, @lordbutterfly, @partitura, @themarkymark
(if you want to be excluded, just drop a line please - will cease to call you, sorry for any inconvenience)

How did it go?

post dateHive rewards
3/09/20201,21 HBD and 6,8 HP
5/09/20200,49 HBD and 2,84 HP
8/09/20200,45 HBD and 2,49 HP
14/09/20201,1 HBD and 6,36 HP
28/09/20200,49 HBD and 3,28 HP

As for Leo rewards:

post dateLEO rewards
3/09/202027,79 LEO
5/09/202032,16 LEO
8/09/202016,55 LEO
14/09/202011,94 LEO
28/09/20203,91 LEO

How to find yourself on the list?

  1. provide liquidity for any of whive pools on uniswap
  2. send me your address in the comment or via encrypted memo if you want it to be shared publicly.

Here are the current numbers


The rewards for this post go to:
@khaleelkazi 100%
@jocieprosza 0%
due to error of my last post that had no proper beneficiaries set. I think this way it would be easier than calculating and sending hive and tokes to the @khaleekazi.

Always check if the rewards are set as stated in the post

How to sent encrypted memo?

Send me a fraction of hive with memo starting with '#' character. It works on hive, it did not on peakd though.

I am hungry for any feedback here

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta