No, Creating Content Doesn't Just Flow With Me

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I had a chat with a friend whom I onboarded to Hive, she hasn't created content on Hive for months. Her reason was that she struggles to create content. Lately, though I am beginning to realize content creation is no child's play, I tend to look at it as easy not because I find it without challenge but because being consistent makes me think everyone can do it but I have come to realize some as much as some people are talkative in real life when it comes to expressing themselves in writing, they find it difficult.

So my friend said;

For you it looks like it just flows

Now the above statement is far from reality, creating content just doesn't flow with me, I have days when I am not pleased with myself because I just can't be creative, the difference though with me and someone that will skip days when they can't create content is that I grind it out of me, the words are always within me, it is just a matter of igniting that spark to put my keyboard to work.

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The Fuel That Keeps Me Going

  • Discipline

Naturally, I don't struggle at being disciplined, when I am committed to a worthy course, regardless of the challenges, I make it a habit to show up and that has been reflected on my Hive journey. For most of my first three years on Hive, I would post even after work, I consider Actifit the easiest DApp to use on Hive and I make sure I post my Actifit report daily.

  • Commitment

I spotted opportunities with Hive and am committed to utilizing them for my growth and this requires dedicating time to them for results, I figured with are dealing with a platform with a compounding power effect and worth taking advantage of the opportunities Hive offers.

  • Consistency

Showing up every day is of high importance, contrary to that will yield a different result compared to others that show up day in and day out. We have been conditioned to stay consistent with the rat race as it puts food on the table and pays the bills, so I have no excuse to be consistent on Hive where there's no bossing breathing down my neck and if compared to the amount of rat race I have covered so far, staying consistent on Hive makes a lot more sense for me.

  • Motivation From Hivers

We can all be consistent, disciplined, and even committed but without Hivers showing up daily there will be no audience to consume my content. So for everyone that shows up daily, putting in the effort to make their presence felt, those are the ones that I find motivation from, they keep me going and what I tell myself is; if they can show up daily without fail I can do it as well and I am sure it is a circle of inspiration that keeps us going around here.

It doesn't flow with me to create content daily, I just dig deeper from within to stay consistent.


We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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Ah, maybe she's taking things too seriously. None of us are perfect here. I write whether there's a flow or not. We just can't wait for the flow because it's beyond our control.

You actually mentioned the word I have heard some of the ones I onboard use often which is "serious"
I have been told we are too serious around here lol, it was funny but on the contrary, we are not, I like the jokes, we joke around here, form friendships, and all that.

People just have to approach Hive as a social platform and not be overwhelmed by trying to out-do themselves.


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For you it looks like it just flows

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 😀

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Lol, you are funny buddy 😂

You deserve some !PIZZA

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It's because she thinks you're big that's why she thinks it flows easily. But unfortunately if you're not talking about your dogs and cats, content creation is difficult.

Lol, unfortunately, I have no pets, maybe I should invest in one so I can have something to blog about. On a serious note though, creating content consistently is no child's play. Actifit is there to help lol or even gaming on Hive.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for sharing, Discipline, Commitment, and motivation from other Hivers.
To have a successful journey on Hive really isn't easy.
Many times I have started and I stopped again.
Hopefully we will learn to pick up and be consistent at it because truly in the long run, it helps you to become better.

You are welcome 🙂

Many times I have started and I stopped again.

Start by going on 30 days writing at least one post daily, if you can do more than one the better. Then see how it goes, am sure you can do it, that is how you build a consistent attitude.

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at this point, my consistent writing on hive is based on discipline and possible addiction, its almost impossible not to write on Hive. to be consistent you have to passion, that passion will always give you reasons to stand up and write

Passion does play a major role as well, it is a point missing in my article which you have mentioned. Undoubtedly, I am passionate about Hive, cryptocurrency, and blockchain gaming and the urge to express myself through writing about it is always there.


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I'm lucky in that I have a guitar and there are weekly things like Hive Open Mic, Three Tunes Tuesday and more recently the Hive Music Festival. I've made a habit of my own music post on Thursdays too... So that's four a week I'm committed to, and there are usually one or two others about other aspects of my life and interests.
I think the trick for the less naturally disciplined would be to find a way to lock into weekly posts... Wednesday Walks, Weekend Experiences, Foodies, whatever it may be...

You are one with just about 8-9 months on Hive and have settled nicely like someone with years on Hive. I admire your drive and will to stay consistent and it is reflected in your growth.
It also helps that you are able to share your musical talent with us on Hive and that is awesome. Yes, even I take part in 2 days weekly Splinterlands share battle content so that is 2 out of out 14 I create weekly.

The communities and interests are one Hive to explore and get going with them.

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Time permitting it's a good habit to arrive and greet/read as many people as able, write content one day, preparation one day I find time wise very difficult to manage a post every day.

Presenting something of interest to those topics that excite you makes writing a lot easier, strokes for different folks, each should try comment if unable to produce that too assists raising ones confidence.


We can't rule out commenting as well, engaging with the community is part of the socializing on Hive and it does impact confidence as well, another benefit to commenting from experience is I get to pick up a topic to write about now and then.

Thanks for the beer, am out of Pizza 😀

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Once you stop completely writing content or comments, one tends to lose momentum not finding traction to return.


Let's keep a positive winning habit fed! 😃

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Hey @joetunex, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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The only consistency I have in inconsistency.


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Lol it pays to be consistent

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Like anything, the first step is the most difficult.

Before you gained a lot of followers, who are you writing to? What resonate with a currently non-existent audience? I think that’s a hurdle for someone new on HIVE.

It gets fun once you know a few regulars, but it takes time!

Bring a few friends and start from there may make it easier. Write whatever come to mind is a good start.

You raised a good point and that is one of the challenges faced by newbies but I always advise an easier way is to engage with the community (on content) of interest rather than trying to put pressure on oneself with content creation.

If I have to start all over as a newbie on Hive, I will go the commenting route, put myself out there, discover my interest and start unleashing my content.

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You are not the only one. Some days I feel like writing four posts. Ideas and news fuel it well.
Some days I do not know where to start and I feel overwhelmed to mess up that content creation drama of mine.

If you are stress, that content is gone before you can put it down in writing. Being cool and positive help a bunch.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So true lol, I get those days when I fail to be creative so it always good to have content or more created in advance as it covers the days when I am not productive. Another thing that helps is music, I just spend some time listening to music to lift my spirit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true bro, am so used to Actifit that I feel weird if I don't post. I always wanted to post on leo finance but I don't have the time, discipline to sit, research and post. Am yet to get time to learn splinterlands too, am always out taking pics for Actifit. Hopefully I get there. Thank you for sharing and keep enjoying your week :}

It will be great to see you creating finance/money-related content on Leofinance lol, I look forward to it, give it a go one of these days.
If you need help with Splinterlands am more than happy to guide you.

When @practicaleric's Leofinance content? 😃

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Love it man. Talent is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, bro, that 1% inspiration can do a lot if put in motion.

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A possibly easier way to get started is to do commenting. Read a post that interest her, then say something in agreement, in disagreement, in addition, or even a correction.

Outside of Hive, content creation is not dictated by just the form of the content. There's no rules that the creator need to create the first character to the last period. Curation is also a common and legit form of content.

Another point you may have missed is Education. Writing can be taught. Up to a certain level. Of course not everyone has the flair to be a bestseller author, but many could learn to write well, and write effectively. Do not let PERFECTION be the enemy of GOOD.

Honestly, if I have to start all over again on Hive I will start with commenting, it was a habit I didn't practice in my earlier days only to find out later it is such a powerful habit or Hive for connecting with the community and putting oneself out there.

Another point you may have missed is Education. Writing can be taught. Up to a certain level. Of course not everyone has the flair to be a bestseller author

This is true, some have a lot to say but don't know how to put it into writing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes .. but the good news is that there are a lot good educational portals around .. and some libraries actually have subscribed to premium packages from top sites like LinkedIn Learning and Udemy.

What I find works well for me are bullet points. I have a massive text document of bullet points, sometimes ideas I won't explore, but at other times, I will elaborate. My content creation workflow is usually as follows:

  1. I create a bullet point list, and in most cases, it might be a question or headline
  2. When I want to explore that idea, I'll create a sub-bullet point list nested beneath that bullet point and then elaborate. Sometimes it will be in the form of questions or one-liners
  3. The criteria need to be relevant to Hive, engaging and well-written
  4. My content needs to, where possible, be at least 400 words
  5. I generate copyright-free images using MidJourney AI or DALL-E

The whole SBF and cryptocurrency situation fuelled a few interesting article ideas for me, especially when SBF was arrested. I find even writing stories inspired by real events to be a wonderful source of inspiration. Writing is like riding a bike, it can be hard to get started, but once you start pedalling, it does flow. Case in point, I've posted a story every day for the last two weeks, almost all thanks to my bullet point workflow. I also use the scheduling feature on LeoFinance and Peak'd to schedule posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I generate copyright-free images using MidJourney AI or DALL-E

I have been using Canva and so far am enjoying it, though there's room for improvement from my side.
Bullet points work well and make the content looks lively when used nicely. I can't boast of being better at this but I've seen it looks nice and is something I need to work on for a better presentation.

Writing has to be enjoyable and to achieve that it begins with finding an interest and sharing it with the world, and in that way, we get better daily the consistency flows.
Thanks for your comment, I picked up a thing or two from you.

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I think i am similar to your friend. I think when you look at blog posts you think to yourself anybody can do that. It's not as easy as it looks. Not only do you need to express yourself you need to be engaging, come up with content and be able to display the content that will create curiosity. Also as you said commitment there is so much to it.

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Wow Joe. This is such a motivational post. I see fro. The comments as well. Discipline, Commitment, Consistency and passion as @readthisplease has said. I also like what other Hivians suggested
to planning, and also engaging.

Thanks Joe. Please keep me accountable...guys can we do that? Discipline is really not my strong point. I get overwhelmed when I have to write.

And thank you. I will not take it too serious as I did.

Thanks Joe. Please keep me accountable

Lol, I will do that. Now you know you don't have to be too hard on yourself, just write whatever comes to mind and with time you will be used to it.