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RE: Do video games have value?

in LeoFinance • 11 months ago

I played video games growing up and that was limited to Mario and Luigi 😃 and a few other hand-held ones, mortal combat as well.
I might agree with video games not have value a decade or two from now but we are in a complete era that has impacted gaming in various ways so, video games do have value at the present day if we look at the play2earn model, the exposure to NFT, as well as getting to learn about blockchain tech upon which the game is built etc.


I still think games will have value a decade or two from now. It's something that is enjoyable and games will get better. I am just not sure how the form of games will change over time because things like how games are shipped have changed. I can't recall how many times the games come out in buggy shape and rely on updates to fix things.


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