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RE: Why I Am Moving To Benin After 15 Years In South Africa

in LeoFinancelast year

As for the Uber business, I will write about my experience in detail, if I had stuck with the hair business it would have been better because it was doing fairly well at that time.
It sure did take me some time as am not known for lengthy content like this, 2k words, I knew it is going to be long from the onset and I found myself enjoying every moment of writing this.

You've been supportive of this off-chain, I appreciate it, and thanks for the tip.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I guess I can say, we cannot be entirely right or wrong when it comes to business, and you've learned your lessons. I'm certain being in Benin would be a different journey, since you're coming from a place of experience.

Hahaha 2k words, that must've been something, but enjoying a writing process makes it even easier.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am thankful for the experience I have gained over the years and especially in Telecoms, with that I can fit into any country employment-wise provided their consist building of telecoms infrastructure or upgrades.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta