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RE: Lack Of Education Is A Liability

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have come to realize that education doesn't just end formally, there's a lot to learn informally and so many other ways.
There's just so much to learn out there and doing a bit by the day can go a long way in exposing us to opportunities one way or the other


Oh, yes, absolutely. By formal education I understand training, but in a wrong domesticated way, being more a slave to a rigged system than a productive independent, honest man. I came to the realisation that formal education is rigged a long time ago, but I still managed to perform well. :)

You have to be able to save yourself in times of trouble, so plant good seeds for both you, your community, and other like-minded people. I did that with strong support a while ago as well and being a freelancer saved me big time. I don't rely on rigged, corrupt systems. I fight against them. I rely on myself, my knowledge, my education, my research, and my power which comes from my unlimited potential! All the best to you as well! :)