VENARI WAVESMITH On A Cheap | Chest Loot

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 1_26_2022 5_24_46 AM (2).png

I am just 0.2% shy of 52% win rate which have always been the case, I hover around 52%, I haven't taken note if I ever hit +55% win rate in a season.
I really I have to up my win rate and push it towards 60%.
Just over 5 hours away from the end of current season and am just hanging onto Gold league, I don't feel safe considering a few lose streak and I will be demoted. Now am up around 05:00 over here to put in some wins before heading for work.


Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 1_25_2022 8_57_09 PM (2).png

  • DEC 23


Sneak Quest got me some cool rewards as seen above, 3 more VENAR WAVESMITH and I should have it at level 3 which I am looking forward to.

A VENARI WAVESMITH now goes for $0.16, amazing how the cards have taken this much of a dip. One never have enough money lying around, otherwise it is a good time to buy these cards on a cheap as I have no doubt they will appreciate in value again.

Battle Link


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


wait, what so many cards again
omg you are so lucky!!! 🤠

I tend to get lucky with quest rewards. That's why I never fail to complete them.

Thanks 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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You're welcome @joetunex, that's really a great achievement, 6500 posts is huuuuuge 😮👍💪
Keep going like this! Have a nice day 😊👍