You better buy as much Bitcoin as you can now - Robert Kiyosaki

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Robert Kiyosaki is just one of my favorite public figure out there ever since I read his famous "Rich Dad Poor Dad" I just love the fellow. You normally will expect him to be stuck with his Real Estate, gold and silver investment but he is so open minded he is open to Bitcoin and its possibilities unlike some folks his age who just refuses to give Bitcoin a look.

Well I don't think it can be simplified well enough, that is an advice I will take from Robert Kiyosaki any day with appreciation. Most probably those who hold a bit of Bitcoin/Crptocurrency will manage to survive the dying fiat.
Nice to see such tweet from the like of the Rich Dad author.


We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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I doubt the dollar will die that soon, but the man has a point. I wonder why he hasn't advised his followers to do that sooner.

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He has been doing that recently, I don't think he has been a Bitcoin fan for too long, probably less than 5 years I think.

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I really don't know that for sure, but he should have advised his followers to buy when it was $5000

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Talking of $5000 do you think we will ever see Bitcoin at 5k again?

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I doubt.

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I doubt as well, I guess those days are gone.

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Curious if it will ever get under $10,000.

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Bitcoin is going to $100,000 over the next two year.

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That's possible, you never can rule out that possibility. If i have to choose a figure though I will stay in the 50k region.

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Should we pitch Hive to him so that he can pitch Hive to his followers.

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I have tagged him once or twice in tweeter hoping to lure him to HIVE, if we can do that collectively that will be great!

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Talking about age, I guess most of users in bitcoin and blockchain are new generations; however it should be interesting to know what percentage is older than 40~50's. Personally I am so enthusiastic about new technologies. I am 43 yo. but I am really fascinated with all this new dimension of value.
It is true that it is not easy to understand the complex part of Keys, to afraid of lost the keys and no more access to your valuable tokens. But it is just question of Education, at least it is my thought.

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Very true, age really shouldn't hinder us from learning new things, the limitation is only in our mind. You are just years older than me, some things I find them a bit complex but if I put my mind to it I end up getting a hang over it.
Lets keep learning!


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Thank you! We keep learning!

You are welcome.

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