
Do you sell them or are they for your own consumption? Here at home, this amount would last about 2 weeks!

I'm trying to convince my wife that we should start selling a dozen or two a week. Just because we'll have so many....But she wants to pickle them and keep them lol

I guess. A quantity like that every day probably ends up spoiling some of them, right... But it must be really cool not to have to buy your eggs and still have the option to sell them :)

awesome stuff, having chickens lay eggs for you is like having a 6th sense, I’m def doing this in my own house

oh man, the price of eggs here sky rocketed last year. this is like having gold right now lol

That is solid egg production for cold weather. How many hens do you havve now?

only 6....getting about 5-6 eggs a day right now. a high as 10.