
Oh, we have missed you all these ours. Welcome. You get the update from @leogrowth page. You could check it now to see the last leaderboard. Lets do more #blacklions

Ahhh nice, thanks for letting me know. I'll keep an eye out for it. #blacklions

There is a scoreboard but I don't know how to access it LOL
I just see people posting screenshots every now and then but I think someone will probably share a link here.

We were winning last time I saw one of those screenshots

Are you on the good side of the force with #blacklions

Or you with the white and brown kitty cats?

I'm a black lion for life man


wow.. How people are starting to show their faces. now i am not scared . i am thrilled, go blacklion.. we are winning this contest and it is not debatable

Yea man. I told you we are gonna win this thing

well, the other brown lions are closing in, lets intensify our threads and make more , we could get this done

They are getting close but we have some degenerates on our team lol we will thread like there is no tomorrow

there is a leaderboard to that as well, I think it’s been updated always here. By the way, not a fully overview but total overview is what is being updated here for now #brownlions

Ahhh ok, thanks!

Not stopping at today at all, we re definitely going to get to the endend of this, no how we have to stop in the middle with just 3 hours left here no way, we keep on going.

Actually there is a scoreboard