The Future Of Social Media Isn't On Web 2

in LeoFinancelast year

This post assumes a lot...

Full disclaimer, while I do try to keep up to date with everything that's going on within the $LEO community, I still consider myself a noob! But I confirmed a lot of what I am about to share with @taskmaster4450le the other day after our podcast.

Tonight, I want to discuss what is being built right here in front of our noses on the blockchain!

This will tackle a lot of topics but hopefully, you'll see how they all play in together and what potentially can be the true representation of Web 3.0

Leo Threads has started to get my gears turning upstairs for what it has the potential to become. And more specifically, the 'Leo Ad model' that is being proposed. This was the conversation Task and I had the other day...

Jongo: "So let me get this straight, the ads that are served on Threads earn $LEO some cash...."

Task: "Nope, the ads served are turned into $BTC and then LEO flips it for $HIVE to buy LEO off the market...."

Jongo: "Ahhh so then, the LEO is bought off the market and then distributed to community members depending on their stake?"

Task: "Yes, so the more ads that are served the more LEO is bought off the market and the more is distributed to token holders depending on their stake!"

Have you seen this fancy little banners?

In my little side of the internet, these are common place. Banner advertising networks are nothing new in affiliate marketing and some people have made a killing off them over the years.

Traditionally though, the one that profits from the ad distribution is the company providing the service. The ones that see the ads, usually get nothing but flashy banners in their faces. Sure, if something tickles their fancy they may click but this has been what is traditionally known as 'push advertising'.

Push the marketing message, advertising companies get wealthy. Again, this is the model that has been around for almost a hundred years of not longer.

Now let's see what is being built here on @leofinance ....

Instead of the ad company getting all the revenue, the ads are being served and the profit from it is being spent on....Tokens that the community is highly encouraged to hold onto.

It works like this....

  1. $LEO serves ads using a banner advertising network like CoinZilla.

  2. LEO then gets bitcoin for the amount of ads that they can serve us, the members on Threads and LEO as a whole.

  3. The BTC is then sold and the profit is used to buy $LEO off the market.

  4. You are then distributed that $LEO that is purchased, in a share that is determined by your stake.

And it's all on the blockchain! Transparent. Open for all to see.

The ones that 'get rich' here aren't the advertising companies. It's most definitely not the old model at play. Those that profit from this are the ones that have the long term vision for what is being built here on Threads!

Can you see why these guys have been fighting so hard to get more active monthly users? This is why the Zealy campaign is so important for not only LEO but also for Hive as a whole!

This changes so much, I don't think we all realize what this can potential become....

That's on an affiliate marketing angle, but what about social media and web 2?

This is something Task talks about a lot in his posts and on our podcast...Projects like Threads will blur the line between finance and social media. The main reason is because users of LEO and Threads will have a vested interest in actually using it. Heck, combine that with some good ol' fashioned word of mouth advertising in the process because....

The more active Threads becomes if this all works as planned, the more $LEO you will get from the revenue sharing. Because the more active users means more ads being served which means....MOAR cryptocurrency for all!

Here's what I see happening, again, if all this goes to plan lol

  • LEO users will be using Threads religiously and continuing to become products of their product. They have an intrinsic reason to be here, and use it daily!

  • They will also be evangelists for the platform. While there is no standard affiliate marketing program behind Threads, the more people that do use it, the more $LEO we get in our pockets from the purchase of the tokens off the market.

  • You will see a lot more powering up and staking of LEO. Why not? The more you stake, the more you can potential earn from when those earnings are paid out!

And something I've noticed on LEO, which I don't think can be understated enough....

You'll see much more distribution of the token, through new users coming on board but also, curation! LEO is remarkable on that aspect, the community members here WANT to upvote content and just 1 minute on Threads and you can see....Activity is always rewarded here!

So, yeah, this post...Assumes a lot!

But this is what is so exciting about the big potential of everything being built here. The stars are aligning perfectly for a new breed of social media to replace the old model like nothing we could have dreamed of being possible a few years ago.

Maybe I'm just a shill....But what if, this all comes to fruition?

Special side note: Make sure to swing by the Crypto Maniacs Podcast on Thursday May 24, 2023. We'll be having Khal from Leo Finance as our special guest. You won't want to miss this event....Safe to say, I'll be asking him a lot about what I just wrote....

You can tune in at 1pm eastern on, or check for the replay:

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( seckorama, edgar-alive ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

I feel a lot of backend needs to be finished but other than that LEO is flying. I am sure that there would be good engagement. We have to find out new ways to bring the users. I suppose we can get a lot of people from other blockchain communities like those Cent, polka forums etc. If this continues LEO could be leading way for the Hive.

Yeah there are so many different communities we can tap into, and I think the word will spread for sure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

This is a great idea but it's been talked about for a long time but it still hasn't arrived. I will keep waiting until it comes true. I think Cine wants to do something similar.

It's pretty close, from everything I've heard it's literally about to launch. The ads are being served and have been for weeks now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

The ads model is really wonderful in my view. It's like a virtuous cycle that keeps on giving depending on how well it is used. The best part is now everyone with Leo Power has another vested interest to be a product of their own product.
Looking forward to the upcoming Crypto Maniacs Podcast with Khal :)

Should be a lot of fun, about to fire up the stream right now!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I think it's a great model and I think it also depends on how much the ads generate. I think sportstalk also implemented the model but it didn't go that well. It should add up and it does generate value for the users.

Oh really, didn't know that sportstalk did that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I believe this is a good and fair distribution for the people who are using the Thread platform. In return, they receive a form of dividend if I understand the point in this post.

Yup, and it'll just encourage us all to use it more. Win win!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I just hope at the end of the day, it can cater to those using mobile phones because those with mobile phones have no or very difficult access to the use of Leo threads. It's like practically impossible to thread successfully with it so I sincerely hope it can be rectified.

Oh I have no doubt in my mind, mobile will be a huge focus for Threads!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I was noticing the other day that on the WAX blockchain they often have an ad in the splash window when you have to sign a transaction. I was thinking Keychain should implement something like that. It might be a great source of revenue for them. I don't know who I would talk to about making that happen though.

It's so weird but more apps and front ends on Hive...Hate advertising. I think it's a crypto thing, they are anti-ads lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Yeah, I guess so. It's kind of a catch 22 for them then...

Nice updates you look like very conscious about having these coins, hopefully you'll see the best results based on your choices in upcoming time

The Future of Social media is web 4.0

I'm still trying to master web3 lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I'm waiting to see how it goes

Don't wait too long...

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

You are very right with some listen point. I go with you

Hope more people follow what is being built here!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Let's just see what will happen at the end of the day

Should be fun!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

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