The Crypto Maniacs Podcast - Episode 254

in LeoFinance9 months ago

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After taking last week off for an episode, we're back!

And we had a lot to talk about....

Of course, we started diving into the weekend that was HiveFest!

(Who made those cut outs???)

Jongo was curious to get Task's take on the events and then we dove into your questions.

Always fun, and great to be back :)

We stream each and every week!

We're live on:



Recorded and uploaded right here on 3speak!

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Fat Heads of the Cryptomaniacs at HiveFest has got to be the ultimate 'Wish you guys were here'.

It's pretty creative. Wish I knew who thought of it lol

Nice show. It looks like I am missing out because I am not really looking into what is going on in Hivefest. Time is tight and I think it's amazing to hear that so much is going on with Hive.

Yeah same here. I missed out big this past weekend. But I'm on catch up mode now.

LOL. I'm only selling the coin I purchased so that I can ensure the curation values are income tokens, instead of capital AND income, if I ever get called out for taxes. It's confusing separating a wallet into two number groups, in case the IRS comes a calling. Any income tokens I get will be staked till I decide to cash out an income or spend them on some product or service.

To be fair, I never looked into what would happen if I clicked on Hivepay and yes, not knowing was part of the issue. I will look at it and see what the options are.

You say nobody used it. This is to be expected. If it's an OPTION, users will go with what they know. If it is the ONLY option, if people want it, they will acquire it and spend it. I'm a firm believer that a token without a function is just an unrealized idea. Anyway, not dogging the system. I got high hopes for a multiverse of token economics, living in the Valeria of the Hive Blockchain. Just waiting to see things start taking real commercial form.

That's why I'm just building here and continue to do so. Because when it does take shape...Oh boy.

Do you two think that HIVE Fest should be hold more than once in a year?

Nah, I like it annually. But would love to see 'Leo Fest' as well!

I have heard so much about the Hivefest that it was very interesting and I hope that more good things happen pn here after the fest

Always a great time to celebrate the blockchain!

I'll buy you a shirt with a martini glass with one of those red circles with the horizontal slash through it. Nobody will serve you! XD

8 years sober for me!

How will HIV develop next year, friends?

Moar building!

I missed the entire HiveFest because it was on Twitter and I don't want to go there...


The episodes discussed in the transcripts cover a wide range of topics related to blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, community dynamics, and technological advancements. The hosts provide insights on their experiences and updates from events such as HiveFest, emphasizing the growth opportunities on platforms like Hive and the introduction of new features like smart contracts and wrapped Bitcoin. They delve into discussions on community engagement, decentralized nature of platforms, volatility of tokens, and strategies for sustainable growth within the crypto space. The episodes touch on the challenges of mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies, evolution of blockchain technologies, and the impact of technological progress on society and industries. There are also references to specific projects, events, and community initiatives within the cryptocurrency space.

Detailed Article:

The podcast episodes reviewed in the transcripts offer a deep dive into various subjects within the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. One significant episode focuses on the hosts' reflections on HiveFest, an event they missed but were surprised to find cardboard cutouts of themselves at. The hosts discuss key takeaways from HiveFest, including growth opportunities on Hive for e-commerce and upcoming developments on the platform. They highlight the need for a robust smart contract platform, mentioning Voltech's efforts in this direction. Additionally, the introduction of wrapped Bitcoin on Hive, bridging the platform with the Binance Smart Chain, is a key point of discussion.

The conversations also touch on the uniqueness of the Hive blockchain, its evolution from Steem, and the importance of celebrating project successes and building on incremental achievements to attract more users. The hosts emphasize the decentralized nature of Hive, the significance of community engagement, and strategies to stabilize the value of Hive-backed dollars (HBD) through building liquidity and utility. They also debunk misconceptions about HBD's market value, stressing the focus on project development and utility to decrease volatility.

Furthermore, the transcripts discuss community dynamics within platforms like Hive and LeoFinance, comparing the cohesion and pride of different nationalities within these communities. They address challenges such as influential members' downvotes affecting users and strategies to counter this issue, emphasizing intrinsic motivation and long-term commitment beyond monetary gains. The episodes showcase stories of perseverance and success within the community to inspire users to explore opportunities on the platform.

The episodes also dive into the long-term investment strategies of the hosts within the Hive blockchain ecosystem, highlighting the evolution of additional projects and opportunities over time. The speakers share their optimism about the future potential of the Hive ecosystem, discussing community-driven initiatives and the importance of community involvement for maintaining decentralization. They also touch on humorous topics like artificial intelligence and upcoming developments in the crypto space.

Moreover, the mention of HivePay and the challenges of promoting cryptocurrency adoption in mainstream payment processes, along with discussions on the automotive industry's current landscape and technological progress' impact on society, adds depth to the podcast episodes. The episodes provide a reflection on the inevitable disruptions faced by traditional industries due to technological advancements and the need for adaptation and evolution in navigating changing landscapes.

In summary, the podcast episodes offer a comprehensive exploration of various facets of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, community engagement, and technological advancements. The hosts' discussions provide valuable insights for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and developers, emphasizing the potential for growth and success within platforms like Hive while navigating challenges and disruptions in the crypto space and beyond.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.