LeoBacked Investments - LBI Is This Legit? (Possible Bait?)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Ok, it's one hour past midnight and I feel kind of lazy to write a testament so I guess some pictures speak more than words. I'm not here to be a Sheriff or something, I just was wandering around https://leodex.io/ observing some tokens, trading volume, project creators, etc... and I found this one that really caught my attention.

Due I'm in personal strike with Discord. I'm only using Hive's front ends and Twitter as a mean of communication so I'm using this one this time around to see If we get a faster response or if it's just false alarm. I'm not trying to accuse anyone though I personally think this looks suspicious so without further chachara, let's see what we've found!

I've been investing some of the little $Leo I've earned in @lbi-token LeoBacked Investments - LBI. As you can clearly see, the issuer is @spinvest and of course the fancy Logo.


Looking down the tokens, this one really caught my attention. Same Name as @lbi-token, with the difference that this is a miner yet a rare one because there is no staking option enabled. The issuer is @spinves instead of @spinvest, and the logo, oh the logo, is too lazy. Just did a google search and look:


Not looking so good atm!

In January 24th, someone bought 50 units. Probably the same person who issued this or a real user, who knows? Feeling to lazy to look in the chain and the evidence seems enough. There are no buy orders.



So it has the same bio picture as @spinvest, yet there are some differences in their profile pics, look:


As a side note, SPinvest is from Everywhere so he could be anywhere. (ha ha)

As for its Leo and Hive wallet. Zero, Nothing, Nada! Let's see his Hive Engine Tokens.

Ok, santas chinchurrias podridas Batman! 100K worth of LBIM miners? This bro has milk baby!

Scrolled down @lbi-tokens latest posts but found no official announcement. If there is indeed one, I of course would humbly apologize.

Please be careful and wait for official announcements before investing. And always do your own research if you have doubts.

If i'm wrong, again, I'd apologize.

Please feel free to clarify this in the comments if you have any more info regarding Leo Backed Investments Miner - LBIM




Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for this! It is a fake and was already dismissed by the team! There will be no LBI miners.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I noticed after posting they knew already :( cheers bro.

That one is not real at all!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


100% fake, was confirmed a while ago.

Stay safe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks bro. Should have done my homework first. I guess this would be like an "update"

All credits to Marky

Thanks for the awareness..
It's a 100% scam.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cheers, @amr008 You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @jonsnow1983.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/3 Successful Calls.


WINE Current Market Price : 9.997 HIVE

So love Wine!

What a smart move, too bad he/she is busted ;/

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They didn't make an effort, too lazy.

Yeah you are right


Good post and thank you for exposing this fake account @spinves

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100% correct, 100% fake

I've been watching the account but cant find out who has created it. It's not just some random person, its someone that knows a little bit about SPinvest for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Being copied is the highest form of flattery

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's a scanner in the works. I will have to hold off on releasing the SPI miner token. That's no good :'(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta