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RE: The Silver III Game-Play & Weighing The $900 Investment

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hahahaha a lot of people get scared of playing because of the fear of losing their position, this is actually the same with me, but this time I was like "fuck it" im playing. Although i was taught a bitter lesson by some guys with all these mad monsters, but believe me, I won some sweet games to my unbelief.
Lool, thanks bro, it wouldn't have been possible without you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sweet bro, try playing more so you actually win enough battles that would push you into Silver II but practically you won't be able to get into Silver II, and the benefit is close to end of season like 3 days away from season end battles gets tougher, so if you have won lots of battles during that time you won't be dropped to Bronze league even if you lose battles a lot.

Hope am making sense

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I actually understand what you mean. I know I cannot currently get into Silver II, but accumulating wind will still keep me protected if and when im getting beaten.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta