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RE: Hive Accounts: Protecting Your Digital Life

in LeoFinance3 years ago

How about this: transfering our hive account to maybe a next of kin or a loved one while having them maintain our decentralized digital legacy. Meaning we can live forever through things we have been able to accomplish digitally.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well if you pass the key along, then it is transferred. The one with the keys control the account.

So year, through one's kin, things can keep going. Now I am not sure there will be any consciousness there but that is a much bigger discussion that people a lot smarter than me have not been able to figure out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well consciousness in the sense that one lives on through their contents and the impact they've made, a lot of contents and valuable cannot be kept in a place like facebook but if one's Contents can live on forever in a blockchain like hive, its like having them alive again. Take for instant if Albert Eisten had a hive account, being opportuned to see his research would feel like having him alive despite the fact that he is dead.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I once thought about this and this is extremely possible. As long as you keep your keys safe and protected, you can do it. As a matter of fact you can write it in your WILL lol

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I've thought it would be cool to have a HIVE tribe where terminally ill patients could blog or livestream about their lives and wisdom, with the idea that crypto earned on their posts goes towards their next of kin/charitable causes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is actually not a bad idea, I believe these knowledge can be shared with the community

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta