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RE: Metaverse: The Replacement For The Nation-State

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Your posts often talks centers on how change has become domineering overtime. You're right, geographical limitation stops nothing, unless the various world government decides to shut down the internet. Play to earn is becoming quite popular, look at games like splinterland and anxie and many games built on blockchains, people are connecting even deeper and one can be in a place and earn, meet people and virtually be in places they haven't even been to in real life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Technology ends up doing that. It keeps penetrating more areas of life and creating a great deal of change.

We are seeing technology advancing to such a point that it overtakes even the most powerful entities that we know today.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are seeing technology advancing to such a point that it overtakes even the most powerful entities that we know today.

Another thing is that is takes away limitations of educational background, financial status and so many other things, makes it easier for people to connect productively on a bigger plane. Man is nothing without Technology

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta