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RE: Hive: Taking Advantage Of A Life-Changing Opportunity

in LeoFinance2 years ago

You made emphasis on so many futuristic possiblities. This is why I think surviving in the Cryptoverse is all about priorities. Infact 5 hours a week might not even be enough. Take a look at DeFi for example, understanding how it works alone can be a hassle. Only the strongest survives indeed. At the end of the day, having maximum skin in the game is very important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I agree 5 hours is not enough. Of course, simply by putting time in on Hive, we are learning about an assortment of things pertaining to cryptocurrency. All aspects are discussed, especially on Leofinance.

Plus there is the other aspect that we are doing as we go along.

Engage on Hive and you will learn about wallets, keys, and how to swap tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I can say that there's so much more to acquaint oneself with and this is why it's important to even take the extra hours, especially for someone who's busy with responsibilities in real life. But the time taken is totally worth it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course, we know hours can fly by on Hive and we not even notice it. This is the magic that is around here.

So many cool people and the knowledge shared is terrific.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I even go further than 5 hour per day, I get up around 06:00 and get busy till bed time at night with only breaks in between my day for chores or whatever needs doing. Hive deserves more of my time and am prepared to give it more, come with time wasting stuff to me and am very quick to cut you off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta