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RE: Why Consider HBD savings as a retirement finance strategy

in LeoFinancelast year

I'm even more interested in the residual income. The interest that's gotten on HBD and still kept in savings. Amounts that add up per month and still add to some percentage increase in the 20% every month. My aim in the future is to build HBD up 15 to 20k


True, the compounding is big time secret to wealth building. Its impressive what a small amount could become in years. 15 to 20k, waoooh that would be super massive. Am targeting 10k in the next one year

Mine is probably the next two years. If I can get 15k, and allow it to compound for two more years before another bear market, I might be able to increase my hive stake.

Thats true. Long term is the strategy. I really have a plan to push my IT business from June. Hopefully, it gives me bigger platform to invest more in HBD savings

All road leads to HBD, the biggest goal for now. Because it affords you that freedom. I wish you the best in your business.

Thank you so much boss. Sure, HBD savings is the real, big deal..