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RE: Brave - Uphold Partnership, Successfulest Decision.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

In the image you can see the dates of the deposits.
It was about 5 months.

I won this through my referral link.
I intend to make a next publication explaining the process, but it is very simple: you just have to verify yourself as a content creator, establish your YouTube, twitter and reddit channels and share your links with your contacts and friends.
Once they download, install and use brave browser for thirty days then you will receive your reward in BAT.

Can you download Brave with my link please?

Then verify as a content creator at:


So you made that BAT on 5 months, or this justo that you decide after that Time yo redeem your reward?

I Will glad yo use it, but i use only mobil phone friend. Do Brave has a mobile versión or an Android app?, if so, i Will be registrar using your link for sure, remember that i am a mobile user only.

Anyway i think this is a good idea that people ese BAT using BRAVE and for sure i Will spread the word.

Yes, Brave works on Android and iOS.

Thanks for support.

That bat corresponds to the downloads that my friends made using my link from April to October 2019.

oh, nice!, always is a pleasure support good content.