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RE: AI, UBI, and the Future of Work. Here's Why ChatGPT is Here to Stay and so is Hive...

in LeoFinancelast year

A very interesting topic for me at present, this ChatGPT. Particularly in the light of Hive original creative content. Some may begin using ChatGPT to write their blog posts, so the landscape may inevitably shift even here on Hive. After all, how do we regulate or restrict the use of the AI regarding original written content? How will we even know what is Ai written or human written?

As for AI being used in stock market trading - Blackrock is not the only company using Merlin AI trading. Apparently numerous other mega corps use it. So AI is probably already dominating the entire trading world, making large amounts of trades in milliseconds. AI trading will explode even further now with retailers also being able to access AI with ease.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hive being a community means that we will be able to spot when someone will use AI to write entire blog posts. Plus from what I know hivewatchers is going to "update itself" for tracking such content. If I were to start creating such content my followers would notice that and this will apply to each and one of us. Hence the community will filter original content from such crap.