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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 42 - Saturday 16 October 2021 | Week 10 - Autumn Challenge - Save $100! | LBI Giveaway - October Side-Gig | When will @susie-saver hit 1,000HP? | | Win EDS Tokens for Comments! Everyone Welcome

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello. How do you determine what amount to rent your cards for?


Hey, that's a great question and I think the in-game interface is kinda lacking in that regard.

I use, there you can bulk select all the cards you'd like to rent and load the most competitive price at the moment with one button. It also gives you the ROA (return on asset) to determine the relative earning potential compared to the current value of the card.

There's still a lot of development for rentals going on. Basically the start of season is cheaper compared to the end because of the recent changes. But the tools are great for now. I do think renting full decks for a certain league during a whole season would be best going forward. Renter knows what to expect to play with and what league to end up in and the owner knows what return to expect. Till then this is as good as it gets :-)

Thanks for the tips. I'll consider it

you're welcome! let me know if you have any questions, happy to help :-)