Canva Introduces New AI Tools for Designers & Content Creators

in LeoFinancelast year

If you are using Canva, or if you are searching of an easy to use design software .. then makes sure to check this out! Canva introduced a number of new AI tools that will certainly make our life easier and .. more creative¬

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.1. Magic Write

An AI assistant that you can use directly in Canva.


My comments & the catch: Users receive a credit of 25 Magic Writes and after that they should upgrade their account to canva pro to use it.

.2. Play with draw

Remember the first time you tried paint? That's how I felt when I saw this.. you simply can do ything you want! Imagine signing your creations :)



.3. Magic Design

Upload an image or a video, choose what you will like (i.e presentation, social media post etc) so that canva will make recommendations!


My thoughts: It can save you time when you have no idea about where/how to start with something. It can be more time consuming if you have something specific in min.
Its free to use, but not all recommendations are.


.4. Magic Edit & Eraser


I could only try the magic edit, because the others were only available in the pro edition. You could erase an object but only to replace it with something else AI generated.


.5. Magic Presentation


It asks you to add a description and then choose from a range of presentations, which you can edit as you please. It uses magic write but I saw that my credits were not decreased. This means that the credits are only for the blog post writing



.6. Beat Sync!


Beat sync is only for the pro edition


.7. Create your own animation

This is a fun one, because you can animate anything you want. You create its path and it just moves the way you want!



.8. Brand Hub

Brand hub is also a pro functionality where you can upload your logos, fonts, photos.



.9. Translate


Translate is also a pro functionality that you can use for free for up to 50 times


.10. Text to Image!


This was available for sometime and apparently it has evolved. All you need is imagination. Tell it what you need, choose the style & the size and you ll have 4 alternatives to choose from.

This is how I played with 2 octopuses watching a sunset...

I cannot say that I am very excited with the results, but I appreciate the fact that I can do it all in the app and with the possibility to use it all commercially.


.11. Layers!

I noticed it by accident.
When you click on positions you get to see all the layers and play with them for creating your own result



I tried all the tools hoping to help you decide which ones you can use for your designs

In short, there are 11 more tools introduced by Canva, that can simplify many procedures and potentially facilitate creativity. Some of them have also a free version, some others are only available if you use the Canva Pro (109Euros per person per year) - if you use this link (referral link) we will be able to choose one of the premium photos.


You may always go to and sign up (dont worry about the ref)

All the new features

Canva ProFree CreditsFree
Erasermagic write (25)draw
Background removerTranslate (50)Magic Design
Beat Sync-Magic Edit
Brand Hub-Magic Presentation
--Text to Image

Do you use Canva?
Will any of the above tools be useful to what you are doing at the moment?
Let me know below!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I didn't even know half of them. Thanks for the list Kat.

I was actually prepping a post about this. I fkn love Canva. It's the best tool for freelancers and content creators.

Canva was the best and simplest application to create and edit thumbnails so far. And thanks for notifying such many more options to me through this blog 😃