Don't Miss .. CubDefi gets listed / SEO bot / Bro-Fi and more!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

News come in so fast that it is not easy to keep up with everything! So I thought to create a new 'Don't Miss' post with the latest about Cub/CufDefi and more - happening in!


CoinMarketCap is the first site listing $CUB!

I read it first at and @finguru is giving us some easy directions about how we can help / visit the post - add to watchlist / vote if you are happy with cub ;)

Wen Coingecko? When are you listing $cub?

Blockfolio is about to list Cub!

I received an email by Blockcfolio today


I shared this on twitter and I was not the only one - also LeoFinance mentioned that its happening .. soon

Let's see wen ;)

LeoFinance introduces DEC farming on cub finance!

You have got to check this out - this move caught many of us by surprise!

@CryptoWendy has shared her favorite way of passive income

Can you guess what it is?

BroFi is coming to town!

What is Bro-Fi? A very very very interesting project that has started running on hive - you can put to use your unused hive-engine tokens and earn more tokens! How amazing is this?
By @rayomondspeaks (and this rhymes too!)

Check this post out

(I also wrote about brofi- but this post is way better than mine. Thanks @agr8buzz for sharing!)

Should lbi get involved in bro-fi?

If you are interested in bro/brofi/hive/leofinance/lbi then I suggest that you read this post and comment your opinion!

by @lbi-token & @taskmaster4450le

Gigs on LeoFinance

@Mariosfame the man that has brought some impressive leo & cub gifs to all our community comes with some gigs ;)

Check them out

How about a .. SEO tool to help you with your posts?

You may want to check this out >

@amr008 has created a bot that "helps users to improve their content with respect to SEO"

I will use it soon and let you know more!

This is it for today!
Did I live anything out?
Comment below!

Thank you for visiting!

Who am I?

I am Katerina from Crete, Greece. An enthusiastic content creator with a passion for photography. Interested in the blockchain technology, in new social media platforms and in trying to educate new users who wish to explore the blockchain social media world and its possibilities!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for putting all this info together Kate!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the curated stories. The CUB news is what i came for, but I stayed for the other stories.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much :) Nice that you visited!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great news with Great projects
That is all we need
I will called it "Happy March"

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very interesting info, thanks
@tipu curate

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