Exploring Passive Income Possibilities via hive projects. Testing BRO-FI!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

We have a saying in Greece.
"If you do not say good words about your own home, it will fall down on you" (Αν δεν παινέψεις το σπίτι σου, θα πέσει να σε πλακώσει")

I really feel like my blockchain home is hive and LEO of course so I try to learn as more things about communities and why not, check out & test opportunities :)

One of the projects I accidentally run into and of course I joined (;) was @themancaveproject (Read more about my experience here

I bought some of their community token BRO and I have been receiving daily. Unfortunately I could only buy 6 BROs at the time, so my LEO earnings were not much - but they were passive, so why not!

Today, I read about their new project and I have to say that from the title alone, I was very well surprised :)



Brand new
So new that it has not been officially announced yet because the team is testing it.

@raymondspeaks wrote about it and of course I should test it out.

The idea is simple.

  1. Delegate to @brofi various tokens, each one with its own pool
  2. Depending on the pool, the delegators will receive daily BRO tokens
  3. The tokens remain ours, no risk, nothing - we can take them away the moment we want to!


Where we can delegate from?

I used hive-engine.com
You will see a little double arrow and from there you can click to delegate the amount you want to @brofi (or to anyone you want)


What did I delegate?

I delegated the below
STEM: 150
PAL: 500
ASH: 50
CTP: 100
LEO: 100
CCC: 500

So I will get back to you in the next days to tell you about what the outcome will be ;)

Attention - this is not financial advise - always, do your own research!

For any questions, make sure you check out this post and keep an eye for news the next days!


Ps I also delegated some hive to the new project @proofofbrainio that I saw from the recent post by @trumpman

You may want to check it out and perhaps include the #proofofbraintag in your posts ;)

Thoughts? Ideas?
Look forward for your feedback!
Thanks so much for visiting!

Who am I?

I am Katerina from Crete, Greece. An enthusiastic content creator with a passion for photography. Interested in the blockchain technology, in new social media platforms and in trying to educate new users who wish to explore the blockchain social media world and its possibilities!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


How do you know what tokens are accepted for staking? Or anything on Hive-engine goes?

Hi! You can check out their official announcement.
At the moment they have
"For instance, right now there is CTP, LEO, STEM, NEOXAG, HIVE, LOTUS, PAL, CCC, WEED that are available."
But I suggest that you follow them because they may add new ones or change this list in the future!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love that I now have the chance to get hold of some BRO tokens just by delegating. Best, the tokens I delegated were just idly sitting in HE. Now they are earning me BRO. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yes :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I bought only 12 BRO when it cost only 4 HIVE... I think I should have bought a lot more...

The BROFI project seems very interesting to me and I think I will delegate the tokens of which I can not use all the VP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I learnt about BRO too late, but I did not want to leave the chance go by! Thanks for coming over my friend!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

same here, hoping that with the BroFi i will earn some more

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I expect those results, surely the dividends depend on the value and the token you delegate, BRO is a token for men, are you also a man?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, the dividends depend on the value & token delegated.. All this is in the post's Q&A :)
Bro is not only for men, it is for anyone who can appreciate it!
@raymondspeaks - do you exclude women from BRO?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

haha I was just kidding, of course you can buy it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Love that Greek saying...I m will try to use it more often

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you my friend!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looks interesting. Delegate 50 CTP.
Just for test :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope it goes well for you :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just heard about the brofi account as well and made some delegations. Hoping it goes well.

If you have tokens sitting around doing nothing, you may as well make them work for you :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely! And by delegating, they get put to better use as well :)

A lot of people that I like their vision are talking about Bro-Fi. To be honest, if there is a project on Hive based on Financial stuff, it attracts my attention. Bro-Fi is worth exploring ^^

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think so too :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I took a lot my staked tokens that were just sitting on Hive Engine not doing much and put them in BroFi pools. I have even fewer BRO then you so I hope to up my stake there a bit. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's see what happens!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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