New GIVEAWAY but with a twist!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Are you celebrating?
I am feeling very happy that it's been one year of hive already!
I have the feeling that the time passed too quickly, there has been so much going on the past few months!

I was wondering how I would celebrate.
I was thinking... a post
I was thinking .. another token giveaway

But then it came to me .. why not 'create' something real?

And I had to do it fast, I did it today - in a few hours!

I thought about the theme - it would be a celebration theme.
Celebrating 1 year of hive and of course .. I should mention @leofinance because - to be honest - at this point - I cant think of hive without leo.

And I made the first mock ups on paper before I drew them on a tote-bag.

This is the first totebag of a series I may create (If I see that there are people interested in having them)

I am using water resistant markers and a simple tote bag

To participate click here - If you don't have a twitter, but still wish to participate let me know in the comments and I ll find a solution for you!

This is the making of the bag :)

I uploaded it on tiktok & instagram (my username there is katycrete) and also on giphy!

What do you think?
Would you use such a bag?
Would you gift it?

I also wrote the price & market cap of hive on this day - it will be fun to create another one next year hihihi

Dont forget to check out my giveaway & participate

p.s. Video created by free app Quick by Go Pro

Who am I?

I am Katerina from Crete, Greece. An enthusiastic content creator with a passion for photography. Interested in the blockchain technology, in new social media platforms and in trying to educate new users who wish to explore the blockchain social media world and its possibilities!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Love the twist

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope you can participate too :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dear the bags look beautiful 😍 To be honest, I find the logo of Hive quite cool and I may have T-shirts of our logo for summer ^^

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a nice logo ;)
I am thinking of painting some white t-shirts, if I find any!
It could be a next giveaway, hihihi

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta