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RE: It's Blowout Saturday

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have a thing for card games, even though my mother always despised it when she saw me with cards in my hands.
However I never got to learn poker (i am leaving it for when I retire .. it may be my hobby ;))
My father was a great player, but had sometimes issues with gambling money over the games.. he was really quick and smart when it came to cards :) I am sad I did not have the chance to let him teach me tricks...
Thanks for the post Lord! I will be waiting for your updates on the tournament!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you for passing by, Kate! I'm sure you would do great in poker given your intelligence :) However, I'd still advise you to not give it a try. I managed to triple my investment, which means I placed in the top 500, but as you can imagine, that's not enough! Maybe I will be a bit luckier today!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta