Testing meme.ai - An AI-meme generating tool (free plan included!)

in LeoFinancelast year

We have all smiled or laughed with memes! Thousand of them are circulating online and you can find them anywhere. In social media, in the news, in newsletters and sometimes they are located even in the crypto market (see doge;))

But let me share something with you, before I will suggest 2 AI-meme generator tools!

Have you ever thought were the word meme came from?

According to Bing Chat, The word meme is a shortening of mimeme, which comes from Ancient Greek and means 'imitated thing'. It was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. Dawkins used the term to describe a unit of cultural transmission that can spread by imitation from person to person, such as an idea, a catchphrase, a fashion, or a way of making pots. He wanted a word that sounded like gene and that could also be related to memory or the French word même (same). He pronounced it to rhyme with cream.

I thought this was fun and smart :) Imitating something that sounds like gene, but relates to 'the same' (French word même), and rhymes with cream! Definitely easy to remember.

In this post, we will try to use 2 different meme generators to create a meme. They both use AI and I think that it will be good to save them because .. you never know when you will prefer to say something with a 'meme' rather than with a real post!!



I am always happy when I realize that there is also a free version of the tool


To sign up, I used the magic link:


And I am immediately in this dashboard


The first option is
.1. Text to Meme
You provide with a text, you choose if you wish to have the outcome delivered in image or gif format


.2. Themed Memes

You can enter a theme, and either upload a photo or pick one from the (many, many) templates and it will create a meme for you!


You can also simply make a meme, or search templates and be inspired.

And additionally, there is a referral program!
So if you are thinking of join, you can use my referral link: https://app.supermeme.ai?via=oo8f66uhbtt7zug8vdd2



I was not able to sign up, so I could not use this tool. However I am putting it here in case you can make it happen.

I think I m done now!


What about you? Will you check it out?
Are you already thinking of themes and captions to use?
Please tag me when you do!

Thanks for coming by!

The History of Meme | Word Origins | Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/meme-word-origins-history
Meme | Definition, Meaning, History, & Facts | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/meme
Meme - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love to see meme and than laugh for a moment but believe me i never try to find the history or from where it comes???
Thank you for amazing information 💫