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RE: The China Run Is Over

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Seems you've been following the work of Peter Zeihan. He has been pretty accurate with his predictions thus far, but seems not to understand how cryptocurrency and blockchain tech are going to influence the world. I think it's because everything he does is an extrapolation of what happened in the past, and doesn't take into consideration the possibilities of new technology much, because he has no access to data from the future.

A good guy to follow, but if everyone in the world did what he does, there would be no progress. Visions of the future often have to forget the past. Paradigm shifts and such. You know what I mean.


He is a good one. Another good one is George Friedman. He has a similar view of China and US relations. The US, in his opinion, is simply going home.

According to his theory, we will take a 10 year breather in our foreign policy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As for blockchain and cryptocurrency, you are correct except China is trying to remove themselves from that arena.

Where Zeihan is correct is that we are going to still operate in the Nation-State world for a couple more decades.

My guess is that by about 2040, we start to see the beginning of the end for the nation-state. That is going to radically destroy the geo-political landscape.

The Metaverse is going to be radically different but I think we are still a couple decades away from that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta