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RE: Web3 Will Be Bigger Than People Think

in LeoFinance8 months ago

The reference you made to the internet and how it took over the world is very legit. I didn't know much about the massive adoption of the internet until I heard all about that from someone that was part of that early adoption. Turns out there was really a time when folks doubted the relevance of the internet.

Now, everyone is onboard and most people are pushing internet subscription to the top of their priority.

I always think about Web3 and how massive it will be in the future. I ask myself if we can attain financial freedom through it. I like a lot of features that Web3 offers. I like the content ownership and all, but I always look at what can be generated through it on the financial front.

At the moment, using conventional banks for Savings seems like a waste of time and resources. Inflation is already rocking Nigeria's economy and the purchasing power of our currency is getting ridiculous. I hope that Hive for an example will stand forever and grow even bigger as a true Web3 tech.

Reading this was fun. Thanks for sharing this 👍


Technological disruption is always the same.

It comes from the outside and stars on the fringes. The incumbents first ignore it, then they attack it. Eventually, the capability of the new tech takes over and is the preferred option.

The incumbents become nothing more than a footnote in history.