Analyzing SPS Validator Node License Pricing using a Spreadsheet

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Have you noticed that the price of Vouchers are more than double what they recently were? They were about $1 and now are $2.24. Smart people are going to use them to reduce the cost of purchasing SPS Validator Licenses! What does that mean for the greater number of us who are Not Able to afford a License but Do Have Vouchers coming for Free everyday from Splinterlands? Let's see!

Please reference this post direct from Splinterlands about SPS Validator Node License Pricing:

VOUCHERs are the Key!

You will see that for the Pre-Sale, you MUST use 500 Vouchers. For each of the following 7 tranches, you MAY use UP TO 500 Vouchers. IF you do use the Vouchers in those tranches, you will get a 50% discount in the dollar amount of SPS that you will have to pay for a License!

More on why VOUCHERs are important, in a minute.

My Spreadsheet

Please have a look at a screenshot of this Google Spreadsheet I created:

Spreadsheet by kenny-crane

The first column shows the Current SPS Price and is brought in automatically by the CoinMarketCap API. Whenever the spreadsheet is refreshed, the price number is updated.

The second column shows the current Voucher price. I am able to get it automatically from CoinMarketCap because they don't list it. I AM able to get it automatically by using the SSC javascript library but I'm not able to get that price number automatically into my Google spreadsheet yet.

I made an html file to display the VOUCHER price just to show I could do it. Unfortunately the code below is only showing the javascript part and not the HTML elements.

Get hive-engine price with code

In the HTML I have a paragraph element with id of results, and the javascript puts the VOUCHER price there. That's about the only HTML I have besides the standard stuff - html tag, head tag, body tag.

[ EDIT! I had to take out the code because it was turning the text after it to red color. Apparently I do not know how to drop HTML code into a post! :) ]

The Analysis

Did you know that the Pre-Sale Licenses are going to cost you about $2100 worth of SPS and VOUCHERs at current prices? When VOUCHERs were $1 recently, the price would have been $1500 but VOUCHER prices went UP!


Because you can use the same 500 VOUCHERs that you MUST use in the Pre-Sale, in future tranches to save Half the SPS cost!


Well as the trances are released from 1 to 7, the License price will be lower if using VOUCHERs as long as VOUCHERs price is lower than these values:

Tranche 1 $3.00
Tranche 2 $5.00
Tranche 3 $7.50
Tranche 4 $10.00
Tranche 5 $15.00
Tranche 6 $20.00
Tranche 7 $40.00

We can see that IF the Licenses are in high demand, the the prices of VOUCHERs will keep increasing up to potentially $40 each!

In any case, the short term pressure from License sales will cause License buyers to buy VOUCHERs at up to $3. And maybe the price will go up from there!


It was justified for VOUCHER prices to more then double in the last week or so! Prices should get closer to $3 as the License Pre-Sale approaches. We do not know when it will start, but seems to be within a month, maybe!

People are wanting to get these Licenses for long term payouts discussed by @Splinterlands in the article linked at the top. People will pay up to $3 now and perhaps even much more as time goes on if demand continues.


This is My Opinion! I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice! Please do your own research. If you have questions, I may be able to answer in the comments. If you see errors in my analysis, please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading, and happy holidays if you're celebrating one of the holidays in this timeframe!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


some good points raised in this article of yours and while i wouldn't pretend to understand everything that was said, time will tell to see if this will become profitable for all eventually. Best Regards!!

What do you think? Is it worth buying a license? Will you buy a license?

Posted using Splintertalk

I probably will not buy a license for myself, but I may join with a few others to create a partnership to get a license and run a Node.

Interesting stuff happening. So, does mean one can sell just those vouchers? without having to buy a license?

Happy Easter! :)

Happy Easter! Orthodox Easter is this coming Sunday so I'm still early in saying this, according to some people. :)

I think this is a good time to sell Vouchers if you are not going to buy a license. I don't think the Voucher price will go much over $3 in the next few months, but it depends on the demand for these licenses and whatever else the Splinterlands team does to bring value to Vouchers. No one know the future!

Honestly I can't find any error because I'm not knowledgeable in this sector but this is something can be done only by brilliant people like you sir Kenny 🥳

The price of the license is pretty high or what do you think?

Right this minute, my spreadsheet says the presale Licenses will cost $2015 so they have come down a little bit in price but still are very expensive. No one can know if they will be worth it or not. If you have a lot of patience, then you could buy one and make a profit in the coming years. or for short term gain, this is probably a good time to sell your Vouchers. But no one knows the future so it's all a guess!