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RE: The Ambitious Expansion of $PNS Across Blockchain Ecosystems

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Go $PNS, I'm in! I agree with everything you said here.

pepe smart, be like pepe

Interesting that you mention and feature #PEPE in this post, as well as #splinterlands. We have our own PEPE on HIVE. And it is adding a game that is like a simple version of Splinterlands, "soon". But the game is live already. I have been playing it for over a year, along with some other Hivers.

Yes, it will be great to have a connection with SOLANA due to $PNS. But let's show the SOLANA folks that WE have memecoins on HIVE too! Let's present them with one that everyone knows, based on the same PEPE the frog meme. #PEPE is established on here, been available for many months. We have a small but dedicated community.

I would love to see many HIVE people take a chance on PEPE. Just get $10 worth of it, just in case it blows up! And of course I want that, because I have a bunch of PEPE 😃👍

AND for those who want a token with a super small maximum token amount, they also have Rare PEPE with just 2005 tokens!

I also have a bunch of RPEPE, actually I have most of them.

But the premise of my comment is - IF we are to interact with the SOLANA community, then why not have something HERE that They might be interested in, besides one memecoin which is $PNS. Yes, I love the new $PNS token and I have some. But why be a one trick pony. Let's show them other HIVE memecoins.


After reading this comment I’m going to start scooping up Pepe meme on Hive engine, thanks for sparking up my interest,

I can imagine Pepe on Hive engine pumping up like crazy just because it somehow caught some steam and makes us very rich, the news will be spread far and wide lol. The fact is that it is possible so why not take a chance. Thanks again.

You're welcome!

It is fun to put a little into our own #PEPE. No one can say if it will be a great investment but it's fun!

Oh and did you know you get get some thousands of PEPE for free?
Just reply there with !GF
Sooooo easy! :)