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RE: $PnS Volatility Knob Goes On In Less Than 12hours - What You Need To Know

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I see/have seen the potential! I was in $PNS from day 1. Can't say I'm a whale but not complete dust either.

I'm not used to thinking of lower liquidity as a good thing. But maybe memecoins are their own beast that plays by different rules. Maybe slow long-term appreciation is too boring for memecoin degens (a term I do not use as derogatory, it is a midset that has its place here). Bigger price swings can be scary, especially the downward ones, but scary means exciting and maybe that is a desired quality of the product that memecoins are selling!

I will say that there is value in getting in a project early, unless it completely rugs and you're left with nothing. Putting in a little can get you a Lot! Or nothing :P We have to have some discernment. You know I hopped into #PEPE on hive-engine early, as it seemed to be a well known meme with an active token issuer. That worked out well and still has plenty of potential. I am a day 1 Splinterlander (and back then it was SteemMonsters). I see the potential pumpamental energy of memes (like PEPE) and games (like SPlinterlands) in the $PNS token which is still in Very Early days, so circling back to where we started...

Are you seeing any potential?

Why yes sir, I am! 😃👍


I see/have seen the potential! I was in $PNS from day 1. Can't say I'm a whale but not complete dust either.

Hehe nice

You have a track record of being early, me too, that’s how we found ourselves here anyway…

I like the pumpamental term 😂😂. Now you’re making me fomo, I think I don’t have enough pns, my goodness