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Yeah, someone did call for The Stackitis/stackitus Nurse?

My Clinical Study of Stackitis-Stackitus Article Health Report 8675309

Intervention Assessment:
Brand: the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje ✔
Configuration: Silver Round ✔
Year: 2013 ✔
Purity: 0.999 ✔
Supporting Ag: Pan American by NWTM ✔
Patient Assessment (SAT) score 1.0
Status: Pass

Conclusion: Treatment outcome Successful. Ms @elizabethbit

Comments: My Apologies @elizabethbit for missing this article as I plan to adapt a more automated word/phrase search aide rather than to rely solely on a manual search effort and saving time for curating known and probable stackitis cases.

Next:The fast reading part

Thank you as I'll be monitoring and documenting the results carefully. I will add these experiences into our knowledge base knowing that it will greatly benefit others in similar circumstances.
If you are having problems dealing in coping with Stacking symptoms, side effects, or negative outcomes my clinic door will be open.

"Because the loss of a Stacker as a loss to all of us."

Kerris L Ravenhill
Steemit Public Health Intake Studies Division: HCW II, N.P.N, D.T.Dip , Bu.S.H.I.T PMAS Stackitis Study Group
🚑 💉 For the Health of the Stacking Community 🚒 💊


Thank you nurse @kerrislravenhill! Have a wonderful evening and thank you for monitoring my progress.🤗❣️