One blockchain to rule them all?

in LeoFinance11 months ago

As established in my posts recently, is an AI/software/crypto/blockchain project that I've been following exclusively for the longest time. Nothing else has set my guts off so hard before, so I took the time to research this as independently as possible. See if I arrived at the same thoughts as its founder if I think this is what it is. A market dominator.

So I did what any curious cat would and asked the founder what he really thinks of the project he's been working on since 2015 @ Q&A #1.

Q1: Do you think a lot of existing crypto projects will be using Tau/Agoras in the future? If so, why and how? (This is a curveball question. I wanted to see if the founder is a sellout on his vision)


Yes, because of two things. One is decidable contract language along with other features. The other one is Proof-of-Execution. Both are very desired in the blockchain world. But in the long run, there will be no need for any other blockchain. Tau will be the only blockchain by definition because it can always evolve and can always do anything. So by definition, there will be no need for any other blockchain, once Tau is running.

Notice that he firstly says yes but later insists that in the long run, there will be no need for other blockchains anymore. He could've just taken the safe neutral position and pandered to the multi-chain future thesis, but no, all your blockchains are belong to me. He's not a sellout. That really is the whole point of Tau as I see it as well.

My second question is just a simple follow-up to see if he still says the same thing @ Q&A #2.

Q2: Hi Ohad, you mentioned that there will be no need for other blockchains in the long run once Tau is up. Can you elaborate more on why? There are so many chains now and anyone can launch a new one any time. There are also big money interest groups that don't necessarily want to be on a blockchain that's not part of their operations.


With Tau no one will need another blockchain disregarding whether people will create even if there's no need is because the whole point with Tau is that it can change with time and whenever let's say a new algorithm is found, it can be implemented directly over to Tau. Tau is always new, that's the whole point. It always regenerates according to how users want it to be.

So why do I think this is a "market dominator" just like him? For me, it's all in Tau's function/formula/definition in page 7 of the whitepaper:-

Consider a process, denoted by X, of [many] people, forming and following, by the way of discussion in formal languages, another process, denoted by Y. Tau is the case where X=Y.

As you can see, Tau itself is a function of the world, including our recorded opinions etc. It is a discussion about itself. It can accommodate everyone. Not sure about you, but the simple line above just screams total market domination to me. It's like right there in the formula itself. It's destiny waiting to be manifested.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Even if it works as advertised, it's up to the market of users to adopt it or not. Hive has been here since 2016, but most people still rely on corporate social media.

it's always up to communities to form around technologies. if the tech/platform gives people a lot of competitive edge, they will use it.

Great post @kevinwong
Even if i don't understand the concept of this tau, but from the write up in your post, it seems its a single blockchain that can act as a central(omega) unit, instead of have multiple blocks linking together.

I am really interested in learning more about this tau🤗.

Lately, and i have being interested in learning this algorithms that are used for blockchain🤔.

I remember @trafalgar used to write quite often about Tau. Very interesting but I don't think I completely grasp the concept. Being able to change the rules of the chain with each new block has benefits I'm sure, but what about when someone builds something on it and suddenly the rules change and their application doesn't work anymore? I'm sure I'm missing something (more likely a lot) as I haven't investigated in depth.

each block is basically a snapshot of the rules afaik

these days creating a social app is not so hard to come by , but adoption is always a tough hill to climb.

How long until Tau has a mainnet up?

testnet q1 2024 afaik

Thank you. I know in crypto the mantra is "soon." I'll definitely check it out when it comes.