Alpha Discord Channel for Large Leo Power Holders | Exploring the Future Subscription Model

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Welcome to a new update from our community! We're thrilled to announce the launch of our Exclusive Alpha channel on Discord, designed for stakeholders from the Lion rank to the Apex Lion rank.

There we’ll be sharing our calls, discussing market movements, and giving the community the opportunity to share their input as well.

In this clip:

  • Exclusive Alpha channel on our Discord server for stakeholders from the Lion rank to the Apex Lion rank
  • First step into the “Only-Leos” subscription model vision
  • Private feeds based on subscription payments or stake
  • More monetizing options for content creators

This initiative is just the first step towards realizing our innovative "Only-Leos" subscription model vision.

Our priority is to improve the user experience. Once our UI is polished and functioning seamlessly, we'll dive into the next phase of development. One of the first new features to roll out will be offering private feeds based on subscription payments or stake.

Stake-based access could, for example, automatically grant access to our private feed with 15k Leo Power, while subscription payments could range from 5 HBD to whatever the creator sets, with monthly payments for access.

This exciting addition opens up new avenues for our community members to engage, collaborate, and contribute.

With this we are introducing more monetizing options for content creators within our ecosystem. This means creators can now explore various avenues to monetize their content and have more control when managing their community or following.

There are numerous use cases, and it will be interesting to see how they develop once we release this feature.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


More movement from the Leos!

Neat evolution here for sure. While watching the video, I was wondering why you would be amping up the pressure to expand functionality and deliver when many people will be thrown off by the anomalies you are wrestling with now. Awesome to hear that is the first step and you are looking beyond.

Thinking about pay only content and wondering why anyone would want to restrict their potential audience with a pay gate. If the rewards are greater because the subscription fee goes to that content creator, then there would be a greater motivation to create higher quality content and look to grab some attention, creators and market from onlyfans. It is a working model but would take some doing to be a viable alternative or augmentation to that level of content creator.

I will have to admit I don’t make use of much of the functionality of Leo premium but love to help out on the ground floor. I can’t trace a return on that initial investment in the form of Leo.voter rewards but am probs my just not looking closely enough.

Nice to see things progressing and having the invitation to be a part. Keep rolling with the vision and incentives and you will have a parade of lions behind you!

Would be good to consider Miners maybe.

Sounds great
Always innovative... great job Leo team💪

This is a fantastic idea to learn some alpha insights from the other lions. Waiting for that impatiently 🦁

This should be a great incentive for every user to build their leo stake and get access to the Exclusive Alpha channel on Discord

I see what're doing. The Ileominati any case staking will always/should get precedence.

Thank you.