INLEO AMA | Building on Web3: Success Lies in the Hands of the Community

in LeoFinance29 days ago

Hi, everyone! In our latest AMA, Eric, Mitch, and I delve into various aspects of building on Web3 and discuss the steps we're taking at Inleo to create our best possible version and foster a thriving community.

In this episode:

  • A crypto project is a complex startup where anyone can invest
  • RWA-NFTs are going to be important assets in the future of the crypto market
  • A new reputation score based on engagement and other metrics is coming soon
  • May is focused on clearing technical debt, and in June, we'll be back to developing new features
  • Feature development is focused on Premium
  • Inleo anniversary preparations are underway

Working on Web3 is like running a startup, but with added complexity - it's a process built in public, where we're not just crafting a product, but also an entire economy. Those who persevere in this challenging environment do so out of a genuine love for what they do, knowing that building in a more traditional setting would be comparatively simpler.

In this ever-evolving landscape, we keep a keen eye on various projects, some poised for long-term success with the potential for exponential profit growth, fueled by the usability of tokens. One such example is the emergence of RWA (Real World Assets) NFTs.

Currently, our primary focus is on ensuring that Inleo is bug-free, minimizing disruptions for our users. Once we've addressed this technical debt, we'll pivot back to developing new features, with an initial emphasis on enhancing the Premium experience.

As our anniversary approaches, anticipation builds for a celebratory event - perhaps a LeoFest online! Stay tuned for updates and be the first to learn about this exciting event.

This AMA was brimming with intriguing questions from the community - be sure not to miss out on the insightful discussions!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I like the phrase “built in public” I think it’s important to fix the bugs first and establish a stable app before adding new stuff.

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🤩 !PGM

Bummer. I missed this one. Nice to see Eric on video this time.

Surely, projects that have lasted years and are still lasting mostly have owners that passionately love what their doing. "Headache squared" indeed, as Khal said, so it takes a lot of passion to keep going. All the more reason we should hand it to InLeo for remaining steadfast all these years. InLeo anniversary in a jiffy, y'all!

More than anything, stability is important, so let's keep trying to make the UI stable in May as we did in April. We could then go adventurous again in June and thereafter. It's going to continually be an iterative movement anyway.

A lot of things have gotten me interested. I'd like to see how the reputation score based on engagement would go.
Also fixing the technical debt to creating a seamless UI is something I also look forward to. So far the team has done well in getting rid of most of the bugs. Hope to see more.🌺

In the meantime, I'd do well not to miss any more AMA!

So much progress!
Well, many of them I don't fully understand.
Thank you for informing us @khaleelkazi

Appreciate the update

Power to the community! As long as we keep this in mind, we will thrive together.