New Engagement and Activity-Based Reputation Score System Coming Soon

in LeoFinance22 days ago

Hey, everyone! We have an interesting plan to revamp the reputation score on Inleo, giving more weight to engagement and consistent activity.

In this clip:

  • We have a new algorithm to replace the current reputation system
  • The current system is based on received upvotes; we are focusing on engagement
  • Deterioration of the score if the account goes inactive will be included
  • The design we are creating will provide more information about the user than just the received rewards
  • We'll make this available for other UIs

The current reputation score doesn't say much about the user; it simply shows how many rewards they have received, even though there are users with fewer rewards who are much more active on the platform.

There is also an issue with the reputation not deteriorating, meaning you can go inactive for years and still maintain a high reputation. What we propose will include a factor of deterioration. It will not decrease to zero, but if you disappear or if the actions that contribute to the reputation score, such as threads, comments, posts, stake, votes, and others, cease to occur, it will start deteriorating.

With this system, we'll have a more accurate representation of the activity of the users, not solely dependent on rewards. We will make this available for other UIs if they want to implement it.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Seems pretty cool that you're opening it up to other UIs as well because the rep score has needed a major overhaul for a long time now or to simply be removed. However one that includes a few things like powered up hive, leo, activity quality of upvotes and downvotes I think would actully help people interact with others.

It's really going to be something huge on Hive. A ,ore healthy way of encouraging engagement and that would impact retention of users too.

Deterioration of the score if the account goes inactive will be included

For that you can also introduce 30 days, 90 days and yearly moving averages of engagement & activity score. That will also give a broader picture of who was active in past but no more active now.

Anyway, the new system will be really good.

even though there are users with fewer rewards who are much more active on the platform.

Glad that you recognized it.

Thank you.

Those who participate more and help more need to be better rewarded.

LFG, lions!

Lions is always ahead with the innovations that are sustainable...

Definitely a very interesting factor that will make things more fair, especially to the new users who join.

Will you also display the current reputation in your UI?

It will be a welcoming situation that will end the confusion created by current reputation systems employed by different UIs where one user will have diverse scores on those UIs.

Reputation based on engagement and activities than reward received will be better. It will encourage more activities and show that being active is better having more rewards as social media platforms should be. It will become more yardstick to give rewards to people will more reputations based on engagement but have been limited by the current system.

Reputation should be earned and sustained by actions like engagement with others, not being static or increase as the user continue to receive rewards.

Happy to have that what was discussed in the Last AMA will become reality. It shows how good the show is and more reasons to joined and engaged favorably during the show.

Fantastic idea.

We care about the reputation in the Hive ecosystem as it is a sign that the author's opinions are respected.

The engagement and consistency based reputation will be another sign of the passion the Lions have 🦁

Interesting idea, it sounds like an activity or engagement score versus reputation, and that is much more important to community builders and members then the current score.

Additionally, I think your right that the reputation score may have been misnamed,

As it is more of an indicator of your ability to attract the upvotes of high reputation acounts.

It doesn't actually reflect any sense of morality or character, it just reflects that you are able to get upvotes from people with higher scores then you.

So it doesn't reflect your reputation score in the traditional sense of the word reputation.

Very true. The former Leofinance engagement league is a beautiful picture of what we expect.

The name Leo Engagement League sounds familiar, is it a dead project?

This is a very smart idea! The current reputation score is generally ignored except for certain basic cutoffs (i.e. reputation of 0, and in a few cases, a little bit higher but easily attainable).

Unfortunately, it was previously based on earnings, which helps the wealthy users (with large stakes) increase their reputation very easily. I know for a fact that investing in certain services (such as HSBI) helped me grow my own reputation quicker than other active users in our ecosystem, which is not a fair advantage.

I look forward to seeing this new system. It sounds like it would be equitable as a form of genuine activity and engagement.

A couple of questions come to mind: would this reputation system include all activity prior to its implementation? Would it be biased towards users of Threads/InLeo, or would it also give equal opportunity for those who choose to use other frontends?

I love this idea. Engagement keeps this platform going and one way to determine someone's activity is through engagement. Those who engage more should be better rewarded and it will keep them coming and staying active too.

This is a good idea giving weight to activity and engagement. 😀

It is amazing that we wee thinking of this at the same time., My post on this was submitted just 30 minutes ahead of yours. You would love to read my thoughts on how your proposed reputation score could be utilized. Here's the post: Engagement-based Reputation on Hive Blockchain | Muse from InLeo AMA

This engagement-based reputation would be a big development on Hive.

Go Khal!

That will be awesome, it will go a long way to help. If it could also normalize other UIs at least show the true picture of the individual contributions to the Blockchain.

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The new system will be even better if the site is generating ads because users will become more active and everyone gets to win

Sounds like a plan to get more engagement.

This is a great idea. Some people are active on Hive, creating, replying to comments and engaging in other creators' posts but it does not affect their reputation. Reputation has to involve a creator's activeness and engagement on Hive and not just upvotes.

Recently, I noticed that my reputation on the INLEO frontend is higher than when looking at it from the PeakD or the Ecency frontend because of my activeness on threads and INLEO.

Thanks, Khal for this update.

Hello @khaleelkazi I previously replied via INLEO then edited and published and noticed my comment was gone. I had to make this comment through PeakD.

Your plan to revamp Inleo's reputation score is fantastic! Focusing on engagement and activity will better show user contributions. Adding score deterioration for inactivity fixes a major flaw and encourages active participation. Sharing the new algorithm with other UIs would be a great idea.

It sounds fantastic, this new reputation system! A more accurate representation of user contributions will be obtained by concentrating on engagement and regular participation. It seems sense to include score degradation for idleness. Happy to see these adjustments put into practice

More reasonable but worrisome for inactive Hivian like me. 😆


Thats good news.

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